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Chapter Six - Love Spell

I take a seat on the grass with a sigh after telling Aria to stay close. I've just bought her a bike and she wanted to ride it so we're currently in the park. Taking out my sketch pad and other materials I stare out at the calm waters of the lake with the evening sun directly in my view. I smile at the sight of my daughter happily cycling down the path before coming back.

With a thoughtful hum I begin to draw the sight in front of me. I make sure not to become that engrossed in it, looking around every now and then to check on Aria. Midway I decide to use some color to capture the autumnal scenery ahead of me. It turns out great and within twenty minutes I set my materials down before holding up the sketchpad.

"Mum can I go to the slide?" Aria pants as she runs up to me, depositing her bike right beside me.

"Sure, be careful though and stay where I can see you." I nod and watch as she hurries off to the playground.

I flip onto a new page and start drawing random things I see around the park. Until my gaze lands on a familiar figure running through the entrance of the park. Tufts of hair peek out from his hat messily and he's dressed in a grey t-shirt with black track pants. I watch as he keeps his head down probably listening to music coming from his earphones.

A few people wave and greet him which he responds to before light green connects to grey. Instantly a handsome smile lifts his lips and I can't help but mirror the action. He takes off his earphones and wraps them around his phone as he walks over to me. Those damn butterflies come rushing back as he leans down. I look up at him in anticipation as he cups my cheek.

"Can I?"

I blush and nod in amusement. "You don't have to ask any more Theo."

"Good." He grins before kissing me sweetly. We pull away and he takes off his hat before sitting in front of me. "Aria's bike?"

"Yeah she's in the playground." I point to her and he glances back with a smile. "You can continue your run if you want? I'm just drawing."

"I'd rather be with you." He shrugs before tapping my sketchpad. "Can I see?"

I hand it to him and he flicks through the pages filled with drawings. His eyes light up in awe and he shakes his head in disbelief almost. I watch as he reaches the one I drew today before turning to look at the lake and setting sun.

"You're crazy talented sunshine."

"Thank you." I murmur before whipping out a smaller sketchpad, my pencil furiously flying over the page. "Wait...hold that pose."

"Sure Char, draw me like one of your French girls." He quotes with a smirk which makes me shake my head with a smile.

I draw a quick sketch of him, not as detailed though because I didn't want him staying like that for ages. He tries to peek several times but I lift my knee up in response and hide it from him. I scold him lightly when he moves again but this time he pushes closer and kisses me slowly.

Unable to resist I give in to the short yet sweet moment, craving much more than a simple peck. I check on where Aria is and find her happily running towards the swings. Finishing the sketch, I hand it to him and his eyes widen in response.

"This is amazing...and you did it so quickly too!" He chuckles breathlessly as he stares down at it. "Do you mind if I keep it?"

"Of course, I wouldn't want people thinking I'm madly obsessed with Theo Jackson." I joke which makes him laugh loudly.

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