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*** This is a clean version of Chapter 19. For anyone who is over 18 years, you can find a book on my profile called 'The Forbidden Diaries' which contains the explicit version. If any problems occur where you cannot view the book then you may have to follow me. Reading the explicit version is done at your own choice as I have made sure to notify you beforehand.***

Chapter Nineteen - Dessert

"What's wrong?" I ask as a flicker of hesitation runs through his eyes.

"I'm uh...well, I'm a little dominant in bed and I don't know if you'll like it so –" The tips of his ears turn pink as he makes me straddle his hips on the couch.

I interrupt him with an appreciative smile. "I'll tell you to stop if I don't like something and you can do the same. Maybe we could come up with a safe word?"

"Like what?" He chuckles as he kisses the area behind my ear.

"I don't know...like...red?" I hum as his hands roam over my body teasingly. "Or vanilla?"

We laugh at how the word contrasts with his taste in sex and he nods. "Vanilla it is."

I move a little to get more comfortable but still when he curses lowly. His head falls back and I smile sheepishly when I feel his hard on that I had nudged. He grabs the back of my neck with slight pressure before pressing our lips together. A soft whimper escapes me when he bites down on my bottom lip harshly before soothing the sting.

He deepens the kiss until I'm craving air, panting harshly when we pull away. I watch him unbutton and unzip his jeans before taking my hand. My eyes widen and I become flustered when he slips it inside and makes me feel his long, hard length. His head falls back as I slowly start to stroke him.

"Shit Char...so fucking good! Just like that!" He pants harshly as I fondle his balls and almost smile when he groans huskily in response. My name escapes his lips in a shout as he orgasms.

"Bedroom, now." He pants before picking me up and rushing towards it.

I chuckle at his eagerness and a small shriek escapes me when he all but throws me onto the bed. Between kisses and wandering hands the rest of our clothes end up on the floor. He sits back on his knees when he gets to the lingerie I'm wearing. I watch as he bites his lip hard before taking his time to take it off me.

"Theo..." I almost whine at his pace but my breath hitches when he drags my underwear down my legs by his teeth.

"You were saying?" He grins handsomely as he comes back up to kiss me sweetly.

"Please...I need you now." I moan as he fondles my breasts and teases the hardened nubs.

His fingers trail down to my core as I writhe underneath him. The burning desire in his eyes intensifies as they dip into my weeping center. "Fuck, you're so ready for me."

Grabbing a condom from his jacket he rolls it on before positioning himself at my entrance. I widen my legs and we both moan when he enters me. There's a little discomfort at first because I haven't been with someone in a while but that quickly turns into pleasure once he starts to move.

I lock my legs around his hips as he pins my wrists to the bed. His pace increases within seconds and it doesn't take long for the room to echo with the squeaking of the bed, the headboard hitting against the wall and our cries of pleasure. My eyelids flutter shut as he repeatedly hits my sweet spot.

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