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Chapter Twelve - Letting Loose

I open the door just in time to see Theo stepping out of his car in a velvet black suit. Holy fuck, I think to myself as I watch his eyes roam my figure. Aria runs ahead and they hug each other before he pulls out a lone white rose. It's short enough to fix in her hair and he secures it with her bobby pin before kissing her forehead.

"You look gorgeous bug."

"Theo! Stop calling me that!" She crosses her arms with a playful huff.

"Tough luck!" He grins before helping her into the car just as I reach them. He turns to me after closing the door and a handsome smile blooms across his lips. "And you, like always, take my breath away Charlotte."

I chuckle softly as he takes my hand and pulls me close. "Thank you. You look very handsome too, I love the velvet."

"Thank you." He murmurs before kissing me slowly.

We pull away hesitantly and gaze into each other's eyes, grey to green. I sigh in content as he rests his forehead against mine. Our hands brush lightly against each other's, fingers trailing our skin teasingly. Small smiles quirk the corners of our lips before we step away with the hidden promise of stoking the flames of our burning desire some other time.

"Shall we go? We wouldn't want to be late." I gesture towards the car.

"I wanted to ask you something first...I've been meaning to ask for a while now." He suddenly looks nervous. "I know now isn't the best time or place but I want my family to know that you mean more to me than just a date. Will you be my girlfriend Char?"

"Wow Theo, if I had known all it would take was a dress for you to ask me I would've worn one sooner." I wink and he chuckles in relief. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

He pecks my cheek but unable to resist we kiss each other deeply before we get in the car. I'm a flustered mess as I put my seatbelt on and my gaze flickers to Theo only to realize he's just the same. His eyes swirl with a heady mix of lust and adoration as they roam my figure once again before settling on my lips. I shoot him a warning look to behave and he bites his lip before nodding.

Aria's too engrossed in the game on my phone to notice as the car starts. We drive off towards the hall, which is about thirty minutes away, with the radio playing softly in the background. Theo tells me more about his cousin who's getting engaged, their family and some funny memories of them together. The car ride flies by and in no time we're parking the car and heading inside.

"I'll go get Aria settled with the other children." I point to the room and he nods.

"Text me and I'll come back to the foyer. I'll see where my family is in the meantime." He smiles before we head off in opposite directions.

Aria certainly doesn't take long to get settled in with the other kids. The room is filled with toys, games, and some child friendly devices they can use. There's three women who will be supervising them for safety measures which is a relief. I've been anxious about leaving my daughter alone here but the second she heard I was going to a party that she could also attend it's all she was talking about.

"Okay, I'll check in on you from time to time. They'll be serving dinner soon so I'll come get you then." I smooth down the skirt of her sky-blue dress.

"Alright mum, can I go now?" She asks, almost bouncing on her toes in excitement to go play.

"Yes, have fun!" I chuckle and watch as she runs off.

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