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*** This is a clean version of Chapter 28. For anyone who is over 18 years, you can find a book on my profile called 'The Forbidden Diaries' which contains the explicit version. If any problems occur where you cannot view the book then you may have to follow me. Reading the explicit version is done at your own choice as I have made sure to notify you beforehand.***

Chapter Twenty Eight - His Sunshine

Early Summertime.

"You look stunning." My grandmother murmurs, a little emotionally, as she walks into the room.

"Thank you grandma." I smile brightly and take her hand.

Aria follows in after and she perks up in excitement. "You look like a princess mum!"

That makes everyone laugh and I bring her close to kiss her cheek. "Thank you, so do you."

Today is mine and Theo's wedding day. We're at our beautiful venue by Lake Austin in an Italian style villa. Butterflies flutter in my tummy like crazy and I'm itching to see him again. I've been getting ready in one of the rooms with Jessica, Poppy and Jacob keeping me company.

My sisters, Donna and Dixie, are here also. We met up shortly after I got engaged and talked everything out. They expressed how apologetic and guilty they felt for not listening to me. We've been working on building our relationship again and have made great progress so I invited them to the wedding as my bridesmaids too.

I watch as Jessica and Jacob guide Aria and my grandmother to get their hair and makeup done. The two women getting me ready finally tell me to get my dress on and I thank them before walking into the separate room.

The bodice of my dress is made of intricate French lace with a high neckline. It has an open back with a full skirt embroidered using pearls and crystals for beading. I feel so beautiful when I change into it and walk towards the mirror. The light makeup suits it perfectly and my hair is styled to rest on my shoulder and back.

"Oh wow!" Everyone echoes when I walk out and I laugh at their amazed reactions.

"Sorry, couldn't resist taking a peek." Elena winks as she walks in with Ella and Zoe. "You look gorgeous Charlie."

Everyone nods in agreement and compliment me. I blush before replying, "Thank you everyone."

"Excited? Nervous?" Jacob grins and I shrug half-heartedly.

"Both. I can't wait to see him."

They tease the hell out of me and I roll my eyes before Jessica says it's time. Everyone leaves the room and I hug Aria before she follows Poppy out. My grandmother turns to me and takes my hands in hers. I smile gently when I notice the tears brimming her eyes.

"Don't cry." I whisper before wiping away a traitorous tear.

"I wish your grandpa was here to see you." She sniffles as she rapidly blinks the tears away. "You look so beautiful Charlotte and I'm so proud of the woman you've become. Theodore is a lucky man to have you."

"Thank you." I grin before hugging her tightly. "I love you grandma. I wish grandpa were here too but I'm sure he's watching over us."

"Yes, and I love you too baby." She whispers before pulling away. "Now...let's go get you married."

His SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now