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Chapter Seven - Cowboy

"Hey cowboy." I chuckle as I walk up to the pen that Theo has guided his horse into.

He grins widely as he jumps off before making his way over to me. I push up on my tip toes so I can lean over the fence just as his lips meet mine in a soft peck. "Hey sunshine."

"So, what did you call me over for?"

"Well Aria is slowly mastering how to ride a horse and I think her mom should too." He smirks cheekily as he walks out of the pen to meet me.

My eyes widen before I shake my head vehemently. "Absolutely not! There's no way I'm getting on that horse."

"Scared?" He teases as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me flush against his body.

"No!" I huff and look away with heated cheeks.

He laughs before his lips brush against my ear and elicit a shiver. "I'll be right there with you sweetheart. You have nothing to worry about, trust me."

"W-What if it panics or –"

"I'm with you." He soothes before kissing me reassuringly. I melt in his embrace as desire slowly burns within me. "Rio's a calm horse. It'll be fine, okay?"

"Okay." I whisper before he takes my hand with a sweet smile and pulls me into the pen.

Theo helps me up and joins me seconds later. He holds the reigns in one hand while his right one is splayed across my abdomen to hold me protectively against his body. The butterflies flutter crazily in my tummy as the heat from his body seeps into me. The more time passes the calmer I become until I'm leaning against his body fully relaxed.

As we make our way through the woods my eyes widen in amazement at the scenery before us when we break out on the other side. There's a lake with trees surrounding the perimeter and a field filled with a variety of flowers. It looks stunning. I can also see another house from here which I assume are the neighbors.

But what I spot next brings a tender smile to my lips. Theo's arranged a little picnic by the water just where the flowers stop growing. He helps me down off Rio's back and I hug him tightly before we walk over. A dark wooden crate sits in the middle with a vase full of the various flowers from the field in it. There's numerous snacks and drinks set on top with cushions placed down around it.

"I was babysitting Noah one day when he was quite young and brought him to this field. Mom had said she wanted flowers planted here but I made the mistake of turning my back for a few seconds to plant some. He ended up running around and scattering all the other flower seeds we had brought. That's why it looks so random." He explains with a husky chuckle.

"I like it, it's so colorful." I grin as I turn back to face him.

He smiles before grabbing a bottle and glass. "Wine?"

"No thank you. I don't drink." I shake my head and accept the apple juice he offers me.

"Never have or just stopped one day?" He asks as he leans back on one arm and sips on his beer using the other. "If you don't mind me asking that is."

"Not at all. Whenever my ex had alcohol in his system he would become more controlling and vulgar. Seeing what it turned him into and how he lost control under the influence of it made me never want to drink again. So, I don't." I shrug as I run my fingertips over the blades of grass.

"What do you mean by him losing control?" Theo utters darkly as his eyes narrow.

"Just scream in my face and push me around when I didn't do as he said. Or if I told him off for groping me inappropriately in front of his friends. Corner me and punch the walls right by my head...stuff like that." I notice his fists clench and jaw lock in anger. I sigh softly as I look out at the water, suddenly feeling lighter. "I was going to break up with him anyways because it had become toxic. Then I found out I was pregnant with Aria."

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