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Chapter Twenty Nine - Happy Ever After

Two months later.

I park the car in the garage before steeling my frayed nerves. Exhaling deeply, I take a moment to pull myself together before grabbing my things. Just act normal, I think to myself as I open the side door that leads to the inside of the house.

"Hey guys." I smile at Theo and Aria who are lounging in the sitting room watching a movie.

"Hey, did you find what you needed?" Theo turns to ask me while Aria just waves.

"Yeah I got them. I'm all set now for tomorrow's class." I grin but on the inside I'm a nervous wreck. "I'm just going to go put these things away."

"Sure, I made lunch so try and have some okay? Let me know if you want something else." He calls and I blow him a kiss before walking into the kitchen.

We finally moved into a large five-bedroom house together a week ago. It's much closer to the ranch and away from the city. It has an expansive front and back garden for Aria to play in along with a swimming pool in the back. We're surrounded by trees and our neighbors are at a distance so privacy is a big factor is this neighborhood.

Me and Theo fell in love with it the day we were shown it which was a month before our wedding. It was insane trying to plan a wedding and buy a house but we made it. Thankfully, I had Theo by my side being extremely supportive and involved as always. We made some renovations before finalizing on everything that needed to go into the house. By the time we made it back from our honeymoon all of it was being delivered within the following two weeks.

It's so much more spacious and open which I love. Although it screams luxurious on the outside we've made it feel cozy on the inside with our own touches here and there. Aria was ecstatic when she saw her own bedroom and we gave her free reign to decorate it the way she wanted.

Her and Theo have been doing very well also. She loves the new house and us all living together like a family. Theo treats her like a princess and she has him wrapped around her pinky finger. A big moment for them was when Aria adorably gave him a card and asked if she could call him dad. It led to an emotional few minutes after.

I close the door to the kitchen before setting the bags on the island. A shaky exhale escapes me as I take out the mug before hiding it in one of our cupboards. Then I put the baking ingredients on the counter before turning to eat my lunch. I feel so nauseous already that I barely manage to get through it.

"All good?" Theo asks as he comes in when I'm finished. He hugs me from behind and I rest my head back against his chest. "Do you feel okay so far?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I nod and smile when he kisses my neck.

"We have the appointment at the doctors tomorrow so we'll finally know what's up." He pulls away and I turn to face him. "Wait...are you baking something?"

"I'm in the mood for cupcakes." I nod innocently and am relieved when he buys it.

"Need any help?"

"Dad! Can we go swim again?" Aria rushes in and points at the double doors leading to the back garden.

He bites his lip and glances between us unsurely. "It's quite late and your mom –"

"You promised!" She crosses her arms stubbornly with a pout.

I chuckle before pushing him towards her. "Go, I'll be fine. You're right outside anyways."

"Call me whenever you need me." He kisses my cheek before nodding to Aria. "Come on bug, let's go."

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