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Chapter Twenty Two - Disappear

Me and Aria have just come back from grocery shopping to stock up after our trip when my phone rings. I frown in confusion when it's an unknown number from the UK. Thinking it's either my family, Liam or a salesperson that have somehow found out my direct number I pick it up.


"Charlotte?! Is this Charlotte Davidson?!" A woman asks frantically.

"Uh yes...who are you?"

"This is Carmen, Liam's girlfriend. We met at the engagement party – anyways, listen to me! You need to get yourself and your daughter somewhere safe right away!" She states with a panicked tone which makes me eyes widen. "I just found out that Liam took an early flight to Dallas but not to discuss having a relationship with your daughter! He just wants to get back together with you!"

"But I told him –"

"He doesn't care Charlotte! I was clearing our camera footage today and because it includes audio I heard him talking to someone on the phone about how he's going to get back together with you even if he has to force you!" She stresses and I quickly grab the bags before locking the car. "I'm so sorry I didn't call sooner as it was difficult to get your direct number. Please just get somewhere safe because he didn't sound like himself. I feel like he may hurt you!"

"O-Okay...okay I'm going to go to Theo's place. I'm just going to grab some things and leave. Thank you for telling me Carmen." I breathe gratefully as I hastily take out my keys.

"Call me when you get there okay? Just so I know you're safe."

"I will, thanks again. I'll chat to you in a bit." I reply before hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Aria asks with a confused frown.

"Nothing, we're just going to visit Theo." I smile calmly while on the inside I'm anything but.

I open the door and lock it after ushering Aria inside. Quickly placing the grocery bags on the kitchen counter, I tell Aria to put some of her things in an overnight bag. She stares at me confused for a moment but thankfully does as I say. Rushing into my room I pack mine and Aria's legal documents, other valuables, and necessities.

"Mum, what's wrong? Why are we packing?" She asks timidly when I walk into her room.

"I'll explain later when we have time okay?" I reply before hurriedly zipping her bag up. "Come on, let's get in the car."

She sighs and takes my hand before we make our way to the door. I open it only for our bags to drop in surprise when I find Liam standing outside. Aria pushes back against me with a whimper and I pull her behind me protectively. My mind races a mile a minute as I try to figure out what to do. Instantly I try to mask my expression and smile a little to appear normal.

"Hey, I thought your flight was due to land tomorrow?"

"Yeah but I finished work early so just got an early one." He grins but then his eyes wander to the bags in my hand. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, just to a friend's place." I smile but it slips right off my face when he steps in. "We're late already so can we meet up tomorrow morning to discuss?"

"That won't be necessary." He murmurs and I gasp when he shoves me to the side and closes the door behind him. Aria screams in fear and I pull her back to my side again.

"Liam what the hell are you doing?!" I trail off as my throat becomes dry. Dread and fear settles deep within my bones heavily when he takes out a gun and dagger.

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