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Chapter Two - New Dawn, New Day

"Ready?" I turn slightly in my seat to look back at Aria.

She stares at her new school from the window before nodding. "Yeah."

"Don't be nervous okay? I'm sure you'll settle in nicely and make many friends." I shoot her a reassuring smile. "Come on, I'll walk you inside."

"Mum!" She whines as I get out of the car and open her door. "I'm big now!"

"I need to make sure everything's in order Ari." I chuckle as I grab her backpack and put it on her. "After today I'll just wait here until you go in...deal?"

"Yes, deal!" She slaps my hand instead of shaking it which makes me laugh.

We walk into Aria's new school fifteen minutes early and head into reception where I confirm all the paperwork and other details. She wanders around the main office aimlessly until someone else enters. I look back to see her staring curiously at the twins that walk in with their mother behind them.

Finishing up the paperwork I turn to them with a polite smile. "First day too huh?"

"Yes, thank god I didn't miss the alarm though!" The mother chuckles before we shake hands. "I'm Carly. This is my daughter, Belle, and my son, Conor."

"Lovely to meet you! I'm Charlotte or Charlie for short and this is my daughter, Aria." I grin as Aria walks over to us.

"Are we going to be in the same class?" Belle asks as she smiles shyly at Aria.

"Let me check...just a second." Carly murmurs before talking to the reception about their details.

As the three of them are the same age they are in the same grade as each other. I chuckle when they high-five and talk about the things they got for school. Me and Carly make sure they're in their classrooms before leaving.

I look back at Aria one last time and smile softly when her attention is on her new friends instead of me. It makes me remember her first day of school back in the UK. She was confused why I couldn't come into class with her then got mad with the teachers.

"So, did you guys move here recently?" I ask Carly as we make our way into the parking lot.

"From Washington yes. My husband's job involves a lot of travelling but there's a good chance that Dallas will be a permanent move for us." She explains with a relieved look.

"Oh, that's great! I'm sure constantly moving around must be difficult, especially for the children."

"Yeah they definitely hate it." She chuckles before we slow down as we reach our cars. "I'm guessing you moved too?"

"Yes from the UK so, just a little bit farther than you guys." I joke as I pull my shoulder bag higher. "Do you work in the city or...?"

"I'm an accountant and I got a job at BDK Group smack dab in the city center." She beams excitedly and I find myself remembering a navy building with that name on its sign.

"Oh, congrats! Is it your first day?"

"Yeah, I'm hoping it's not that full on because I haven't gotten used to sleeping in a new space yet." She shakes her head with a sheepish smile. "What about you?"

"I'm a studio arts lecturer in the University of Dallas. Today's my first day too and I feel you, adjusting has been quite difficult!"

"Well, let's hope we get through this then." She winks before checking her phone. "We should also get going now if we don't want to be late. How about we meet up for lunch or something sometime?"

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