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Chapter Twenty Four - Fallen Savior

As expected Liam unlocks the door and walks in sometime later. I immediately stand and pull Aria behind me. He smirks arrogantly and crosses his arms but keeps a knife in view. I remind myself to stay calm and calculate his next steps because if I don't Aria will get hurt.

"She's coming me with me."

"No, she's not." I reply firmly and he scoffs in response.

"If you give her to me without struggle I won't hurt her Charlie. Stop being stubborn." He rolls his eyes and walks towards us.

"I'm not going to say it again Liam. I heard you on the phone. You're not taking her." I narrow my eyes as he backs us into a corner.

He stands still for a moment before lunging at me. Anticipating it I quickly shove the large, splintered piece of wood from the wardrobe into his shoulder. It's sharp and pointy front wounds him and he roars out in agony as I kick the knife from his hands. I'm about to pick it up but he recovers much quicker than I expected and grabs me.

I grunt when punches my cheek but work past the pain and knee him in the balls. "Aria! Run!"

From the corner of my eye, I watch her hesitate before she nods and runs out. My heart shatters as I worry for her safety which quickly becomes an advantage for Liam. He wraps a hand around my throat before slamming me against the wall. I cry out in pain when he hits my head against the wall making me disorientated for a few seconds.

He runs to grab the knife and races out the door to the gun resting on top of the table. When I recover I follow and throw myself on top of him. He curses up a storm when the splintered wood goes right through his shoulder. I pull it out before shoving it back into his body except a little lower this time. He screams and turns before kicking me off.

"You vile fucking bitch!"

"Now, that's not very nice! I thought you love me!" I mock before kicking his face when he tries to get up.

We both dive for the weapons and thankfully I end up with the gun. His eyes narrow in hatred and I notice his jaw clench. The anger in his eyes builds until it becomes murderous. It terrifies me to no end but my only focus is hurting him bad enough so that I can get out alive.

"You won't shoot me Charlie." He chuckles darkly with a wicked smirk on his lips.

"After all that you know I will."

"Aria's gone...fine. But we can finally be together. This can all stop and I will keep you happy –"

"You need help." I spit and his resolve crumbles.

"I won't hurt you anymore if you just agree Charlie!" He yells in frustration and tugs on his hair. "For fuck sake I just want you! We were good together –"

"You were a controlling, abusive asshole! We were never good together!" I scream as I hold the gun steady. "Why the fuck couldn't you just let things be?!"

"Because you shouldn't be with that prick you should be with me!" He roars and takes a step closer which has me aiming for his heart.

"I don't want to be with you Liam." I state calmly with a shake of my head. "Either you understand that or you get what's coming to you."

He stops and stares at me with his chest heaving. Steely determination locks in his eyes and I know he's too far gone. Before I can make a move he throws the knife skillfully into my lower leg. I scream in pain and he knocks me down before taking it out.

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