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Chapter Seventeen - Jingle Bell Rock

"You sure you don't want to come Charlie?" Grandma asks as I'm washing up the last of the dishes.

I shoot a pointed look to the mess in my house. "If I don't tidy up now it'll take me days. You guys go ahead."

"I should help –"

"No, no, no!" I laugh as I quickly dry my hands and push her towards the sitting room. "You've done more than enough!"

"Oh alright, you're so stubborn sometimes!" She huffs before smiling brightly when Aria runs into the room all dressed. "Come on Ari, let's go."

"Have fun!" I wave from the door as they make their way down the driveway.

Sighing I turn back and rest my hands on my hips. I've got some time to clean everything and so, I get to work right away. With grandma and Aria gone to the park I can work without distractions.

Our grandmother is staying over and celebrated Christmas with us which was great. She helped me with making the food and I certainly learned a few tips and tricks. Instead of my usual rushing around it was all quite relaxed and I enjoyed every bit of it. We also spoiled each other with gifts after Aria woke us up at the crack of dawn yelling that Santa had left us presents.

The aftermath of our celebrations is a whole lot of discarded wrapping paper and ribbons, presents left everywhere, dishes, opened snacks, and so much more. I grunt as I pick up the huge bear our grandmother bought Aria and haul it to her bedroom. After putting everything back I get to cleaning until my house looks normal again.

Aria and grandma eventually come back when I'm finishing an episode of a show I've been watching on Netflix. My daughter instantly demands a Disney movie and I give in without complaints. The three of us cuddle up on the couch for the evening watching Cinderella and then Lion King.

But the doorbell ringing around five o'clock has me frowning in confusion. Getting up from the couch I go to open it and smile brightly when I see Theo. We haven't seen each other since before Christmas Eve so I've been missing him a lot.

"Merry Christmas...well, a belated one." He chuckles before hugging me tightly.

"Merry belated Christmas to you too." I grin and pull him down for a kiss.

"Who is it Charlie?" Grandma asks as she walks up behind me and Theo's eyes widen.

"Shit, I forget she would be here!" He whispers in panic as he quickly steps back.

"Calm down. It's only my grandmother." I laugh lightly before responding to her. "It's Theo grandma."

She pulls the door open and stares at his nervous self. I drape an arm over her shoulders as we look at each other. I recognize the glint in her eyes and know she's going to tease Theo a little. My lips quirk up at the corners as she crosses her arms which makes his eyes dart to me anxiously.

"Theodore Jackson right? I'm Melinda."

"Yes, it's nice to finally meet you Melinda." He smiles and shakes her hand. "You look great, my mom loves those shawls from misses Raymond too."

"Oh, thank you dear. She's very talented." Grandma smiles a little as she caresses the dusky rose shawl she has wrapped around her. "What brings you here? I thought you'd be spending time with your family celebrating the holidays?"

"I wanted to give Char and Aria their presents." He holds up the bag with a sheepish smile.

"Mum?!" Aria calls and I poke my grandmother's shoulder.

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