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Chapter Eleven - Sports Day Surprise

"Aria! I told you to get up ten minutes ago, we're going to be late!" I groan in exasperation when I walk into her room to see her still in bed.

"I don't feel good mum." She mutters and I turn her towards me worriedly.

I place the back of my hand against her forehead and neck but her skin isn't hot. "Let me get the thermometer –"

"N-No! My tummy hurts!

"Okay but let me check your temperature first and then I'll call the doctor." I reply before going to grab the thermometer.

We wait for a while before I take it out only to frown in confusion when her temperature is normal. I clean it as I wonder what to do when I catch her eyes brimming with tears.

"Hey...why are you crying?" I coo and pull her into a hug. "Don't cry baby, I'll take you to the doctor's clinic right now. Let's get you dressed okay?"

"It doesn't hurt!" She sniffles but clings onto me tighter. "I don't want to go to school!"

I'm utterly baffled at this point until I remember what day it is. Sports day. I was told last week that parents are supposed to participate and because Aria's father is out of the picture she hates sports day. Hence why she's making excuses. Sighing I stroke her hair and comfort her as best as I can. I can't believe I forgot!

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I –"

"Everyone always asks me where my dad is! All my other friends have dads!" She sobs harder which makes me feel guilty and sad.

I'm about to answer her but my phone rings and I stand to pick it up. I wince when Aria cries louder. "Theo can I call you back please? Now's really not a good time."

"Is everything okay? Why is Aria crying?"

"It's sports day with parents today at her school. She doesn't want to go because she doesn't have a dad." I sigh as I grab her clothes from the wardrobe. "We're running late so I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Sure, no problem." He replies gently before hanging up.

I hurry back to Aria and kneel before her. "Aria, honey, I'm so sorry but you have to go today. I forgot about sports day and if I hadn't I swear I would've called a babysitter."

"Why can't I go to grandma's house?" She sniffles as I quickly help her shower.

"Grandma's at the hospital for check-ups today. If she's not too tired after we can go visit her if you'd like?" I get her dressed before blow drying her hair and pulling it into a ponytail.

She sighs loudly before nodding in defeat. "Okay."

"Thank you! I promise you can skip next time." I hold out my pinky and she wraps hers around mine with a small smile. "I love you."

"I love you too mum."

After having breakfast, I drop her off at school just in time. Thankfully, I only have morning lectures to teach today so after finishing them I get changed into comfortable clothes in the bathroom and hurry back in time for the event to start. I manage to find Aria within a few minutes and she already looks unhappy with the whole thing. Smiling gently, I rest my hands on her shoulders as she leans against me.

"This is the last time."

"Last one kiddo. I promise." I chuckle when she crosses her arms angrily. "Hey, don't be like that. It'll be fun! I talked to grandma on the way here and she's feeling a bit tired but we can do something else after this like –"

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