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Chapter Eight - Care Bear

"You sure you're going to be okay?" I help grandma out of the car before grabbing her things from the back.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'm not that old yet!" She huffs which makes me smile. "It's only a few days and I'll be fine. We'll mostly be relaxing and going out to eat...things like that."

"Alright then, have fun! I love you." I hug her before getting into my car.

"I love you too and you girls take care. I'll be back on the weekend." She smiles and waves before walking towards the house.

I wait until she's inside before driving off. I had taken a day off today to drive her up to Houston where she's visiting her friends. They haven't seen each other in months so they planned to meet up in Houston and spend a few days together.

When I'm halfway out of the city I get a call from the school. Stopping at a red light I answer it quickly and realize it's the secretary from Aria's school.

"Miss Davidson, Aria isn't feeling well and vomited twice today. Can you collect her?"

My eyes widen and my heart starts to race as I think about my poor girl. "Oh god...uh I'm on my way back from Houston right now. Can I call you in a few minutes please so that I can arrange for someone to pick her up?"

"Of course, I'll talk to you in a bit. We'll take care of Aria, don't worry." The secretary reassures and I thank her gratefully before hanging up.

A loud horn makes me jump out of my skin and I make a noise of frustration when I see why. Quickly driving past the green light, I continue the journey back home. I'll call Carly and see if she's free, I think to myself. Most of the time either me or her pick the children up so it wouldn't be weird asking her either.

Just then my phone rings and I pick it up hastily without looking. My voice comes out panicked. "Hello?"

"What's wrong?" Theo's voice filters through and I calm down slightly.

"I-It's Aria. She's sick and throwing up at school but I'm in Houston. I had to drive my grandmother up and now I can't get back in time for Aria –"

"Sunshine, relax. Breathe okay? I'll get Aria from school and take care of her." He soothes and I do as he says. "Do you have a spare key anywhere outside the house or will I take her to the ranch?"

"Yeah, there's a birdhouse in the tree by the gate to the back garden. The spare key is in there. I'm so sorry Theo, I'll try to get home as quickly as I can." I get into my car and put my seat belt on hurriedly.

"Don't rush okay? I don't want anything happening to you. Aria's going to be just fine." He replies and I can hear him getting into his car too. "I'll bring my ID, just let the school know okay?"

"Okay, I'll ask one of my friends to swing by too. I'll talk to you later, thanks again Theo."

"Anything for you, sunshine. See you later." I can almost hear the smile in his voice before we hang up.

Feeling more relieved now I call the school to inform them that Theo will be picking Aria up. I describe him to them and tell them he's bringing an ID. I ask if I can talk to Aria and they give the phone to her. Hearing her voice only makes me wish I could be with her right now.

"Mum, are you coming?"

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm still in Houston after dropping grandma off. Theo will be picking you up though okay? He'll take you home and take care of you until I'm back." I try to reassure her that she's in good hands. "I'll try and see if Carly is free. I'll be back in about three hours, I promise. I'm so sorry Ari."

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