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Chapter Sixteen - Bad Behavior

I get out of my car and walk up to my grandmother's house. Opening the door, I step inside and make my way to the sitting room where Aria is. She turns to wave at me before her attention is once again captured by the cartoons. I find grandma in the kitchen cleaning up and hug her from behind.

"Oh! Don't scare me like that Charlie!" She smacks my arm and I laugh at her expression.

"Sorry grandma. Here let me clean up, you sit." I set down my bag before taking over. "Thanks for picking up Aria today."

As I tidy up I watch as she takes a seat at the table. She looks a bit paler than usual and tired which has me frowning in worry. Me and Aria visit every two or three days but I didn't notice this the last time. Her iron levels usually get very low and I have a strong feeling she needs to go for a check-up again.


"When was the last time you got your bloods done?" I ask and she huffs.

"I'm fine Charlie, no need to worry about me." She puts her reading glasses on as she opens a book.

"We'll let Doctor Russo be the judge of that."

"Stubborn girl!" She mutters in annoyance which makes me smile.

"Love you too grandma." I blow her a kiss and it quirks her lips. "I uh...I have something to tell you."

Her eyes narrow in suspicion when I close the kitchen door. "What's wrong? Did that Jackson boy do something because I swear to –"

"No! No, no, Theo hasn't done anything. It's about Liam actually, he's my ex and Aria's father remember?"

"What the hell does he want?! Is he here?! Did he come up to you girls?!" She fires off one question after the other angrily.

"Calm down, we're fine." I take her hand and squeeze it reassuringly. "Remember how I went to Theo's cousin's engagement party? Liam's dating a friend of his cousin. He saw Aria that night and wants to be involved in her life."

"What do you think?" She asks quietly and I gulp harshly.

"I'm unsure...I'm going to see if I can request an initial supervised visit to see how they are around each other, whether she's comfortable." I sigh tiredly as I take out the paperwork I had filled last night.

"Why are you unsure? Did he do something else?"

"This happened last week. He said he was going to pull a harmless prank but it backfired. He locked himself in the supply closet with me and turned off the light. Kept trying to touch me and wouldn't let me open the door to let us out." I slump in my seat as the incident replays in my mind. "The day after the party though I took Aria out for lunch and he showed up. Invited himself to sit with us but he wasn't interested in talking to Aria as much as I thought he would be."

She stares at me quietly and it worries me. "I don't think he wants to be involved in Aria's life Charlotte. He wants to be back in yours."

"I..." I trail off with a shake of my head. "He knows I'm with Theo –"

"That doesn't stop some people." She points out and I nod hesitantly. "If he ignores Aria again make your confusion obvious. Make it clear that you two will never be together. You must draw the line for some people to know where it is Charlotte."

"Thank you, I don't know what I'd do without you." I whisper as I stand to give her a hug.

"You'd do just fine." She chuckles and pats my back reassuringly. "Now go before you're late for dinner. I've yet to meet Theodore by the way!"

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