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Chapter Twenty Five - Hurting Heart

I sigh in relief as the warm water hits my hair and back before trickling down. The large cut on my lower leg is protected from getting wet but the other scrapes and sore spots still ache in protest. All I want to do is clean myself up and get into bed.

Understandably Judah wasn't going to wake up until the next morning so Theo insisted we get a hotel and stay there. Realizing that we need showers and new clothes it didn't take long for me to give in. Roman is staying back with Judah so that he has a familiar face to wake up to. I still want to go back to the hospital tomorrow morning though.

My eyes flutter shut tiredly and I release a shuddering breath when everything hits me like a ton of bricks. Memories flash through my mind and I can't stop thinking about what could have happened. But then images of Liam shooting Judah resurface, reminding me of what did occur.

I don't realize when my tears begin mixing with the water. If I had just injured Liam a little more he wouldn't have caught up to us that quick. Then Aria's frightened face flashes through my mind like a haunting memory. Harsh yet quiet sobs escape me when I realize the damage that's been done. I feel like a failure.

Suddenly I register the door of the shower sliding open which makes my muscles tense. Just as quick as panic enters my system relief overtakes it moments later. Theo presses his bare body against mine and wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I relax instantly and cover his hands with my own. He peppers kisses to my warm skin before resting his chin in the crook of my shoulder.

"You're safe Char. Aria is fine and Judah is healing." His voice is like a comforting murmur and I lean my head back against his broad shoulder.

"I know..." I reply softly but more tears spill out of the corners of my eyes regardless. "But I keep thinking about what I could've done. Judah shouldn't have gotten hurt...it should've been me –"

"Charlotte!" His voice is firm and unwavering as his grip tightens on me.

I can't keep my emotions at bay anymore and find myself breaking down. "I was s-so stupid. I-I shouldn't have let him near us, should've r-reported him the day he locked me in the c-closet. This a-all happened because I-I was so fucking naïve!"

At the sound of my sobs, he whirls me around with wide eyes that quickly become pained. "No, this happened because Liam became obsessive to the point where he couldn't see reason anymore. You did as much as you could to get out of there. You protected Aria and slowed Judah's bleeding. He's stable now because of it."

I cry harder over his words and hug him tightly. "B-But –"

"Stop thinking about the what-ifs and the should haves. Yes Liam was shady but he put on the act of wanting to be a father to Aria just as easily. Were you with him when he decided to become a raging psycho?" He asks and I shake my head. "Did you go willingly with him?"

"No." I murmur and squeeze my eyes shut as I'm reminded of what happened that morning.

"Did you tell him to shoot Judah?" He continues and I shake my head again. "Then I don't see why you should be blaming yourself."

I remain silent and process his words. The burning ache in my heart and the lingering memories ease a little. I hide my face in the crook of his neck and hug him tightly. It feels like he's the lifeguard yanking me out of the water before I drown.

"I understand it was traumatic. I get that it's hard to not overthink and blame yourself." His fingertips trace my spine as he talks softly. "I'm not going to tell you to stop because I know it'll take time. Just know that I'm here for you even if all you need is a hug, a shoulder to cry on or someone to pull you out of those thoughts."

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