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Chapter Nine - Birthday Boy

"Ready?" I turn to Theo with the tickets and the biggest grin on my face.

He chuckles as he stares down at me. Nodding he intertwines our hands and we start making our way to the trailer. Today is Theo's birthday but he never mentioned it to me during the days leading up to it. Instead, he let it slip to Aria last week and that he doesn't enjoy anyone making a big deal out of it.

So, rather than doing that I decided to ask him out on a date today and surprise him later with a small celebration consisting of just us two. We're currently at a Halloween themed outdoor cinema that has been open throughout the month of October. But to get to the cinema we need to go on a "haunted hayride" first which I just got tickets for. I'm glad he shares my love of horror films and anything spooky.

"Can't wait for you to throw yourself at me when you get scared." He smirks mischievously and I scoff with a roll of my eyes.

"I will be doing no such thing! In fact, I bet you'll get a fright first!"

"Loser buys dinner?" He arches a brow and holds his other hand out.

"Deal." I shake it with a laugh.

We get onto the trailer attached to a tractor. There's loud music playing so we don't even hear it when it starts and pulls us deep into the woods. Instantly we're surrounded by green lighting, smoke and spooky noises here and there. Everyone's conversing on the ride until three clowns jump at the trailer and grab onto some people. I chuckle when shrieks echo around me before people burst into laughter over their reactions.

We see several characters dressed up for the occasion. Some even come into the trailer and try to scare us with chainsaws, axes, and much more! I almost let loose a scream when one of them pulls on my hair from the back while a person dressed as a zombie steps too close to my face as soon as I turn around.

Theo laughs loudly at my predicament and teases me over how I was about to lose. I shove him lightly and he tucks me into his side once the characters have jumped off the trailer. We're doing good until I catch a doctor covered in blood sneak up on Theo from the side. Because he's right by the exit of the trailer the person jumps right on top of him with the loudest yell.

I feel Theo jump out of fright onto me and immediately turn to him with a big grin. "Did Theo Jackson just get sca –"

"I did not!" He states firmly but a smile escapes onto his lips. "Shit! I was going to win as well!"

"Aw, c 'mere. You're safe with me." I reply in a baby voice as I hug him to me.

His body shakes with laughter as he wraps his arms around me. Pulling away slightly he pauses when our eyes meet. I smile softly and he bites his lip before kissing me sweetly. It doesn't last long as we're aware there's people around us but it makes me blush regardless. He grabs my hand again and intertwines them with a big grin on his face.

Eventually the hayride stops right outside the outdoor cinema and we get off. Theo grips my waist and helps me down. Like always I can't help the flurry of butterflies that go crazy inside me. We make our way over and after getting snacks we choose seats closer to the back. The film starts and we chuckle when we turn to each other at the same time to say that it's one of our favorites.

I find myself enjoying it even more with him by my side. We catch each other mouthing the lines several times. Theo even goes so far as to dramatically yet silently imitate the screaming which makes me almost laugh loudly a few times. By the end of the movie I'm cuddled into his side as it gets a bit chilly. His hand stroking my hair and back is so comforting that it almost makes me fall asleep.

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