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Chapter Ten - The Daredevils

I sadly turn the hot water off and hop out to dry myself while wishing I could stay in there for longer. While I was dropping Aria off at school today Theo texted me asking if we can have lunch together. It's been a few days since we last saw each other and my classes don't start until four o'clock today so I agreed.

After moisturizing my body, I quickly blow dry my hair and pull it into a ponytail. Slapping some makeup on I get dressed into my black jeans, a grey sweater with a scarf and my boots. Making sure I have what I need for my classes later I swing my bag onto my shoulder before checking if the windows and back door are locked.

I drive to the city center and find a parking spot near the place Theo suggested to meet up at. As soon as I get out I feel arms wrap around my waist and my lips lift into a smile knowing who it is. Grabbing my purse, I turn and grin at Theo who's staring at me with a small smile of his own.

"Hey." He whispers before his lips come crashing down on mine in a sweet yet passionate kiss.

"What a lovely greeting." I tease after we pull away.

"Only the best for my sunshine." He winks before intertwining our hands as I lock the door. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure, what's up?"

"My cousin is having an engagement party and I'm invited. I was wondering if you would be my date? Her fiancé is from Dallas so they're going to have it here because of family." He explains before glancing at me nervously. "Some children can go too so I can ask if Aria can come along. They'll have a separate playroom for them so they don't get bored."

"Of course, I would love to." I smile reassuringly but my nerves kick in within seconds. "I'm assuming all your family will be there?"

"Yeah everyone's invited but don't worry I already know they're going to love you." He grins boyishly with a playful nudge to my side.

"How are you so sure?"

"You have one Jackson wrapped around your finger don't you? The rest will follow." He teases and I swat his arm with a surprised laugh.

"Shut up! I do not!"

His loud and rich laughter echoes in the air before he kisses my red cheeks. We make our way down the street chatting about how the past few days have been. But just as he points out the restaurant to me an unfamiliar couple stops before us.

The brown haired, green eyed man has an impressive build with a perfect tan to match. I instantly recognize the similarities he has to Theo and assume they're related. The blonde haired, brown eyed woman beside him is stunning with a curvy figure. But a devilish smirk adorns her full lips as she stares at Theo.

"Oh hey!" Theo grins before stepping forward to hug them both. "Roman, Elena this is Charlotte. Charlotte this is my brother Roman and his wife Elena."

"It's nice to meet you both." I smile nervously as I shake their hands.

"Has Theo Jackson finally got himself a girlfriend?" Elena sings with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Ooh –"

Theo slaps his hand over her mouth with a playful glare. "I'll babysit the kids tomorrow if you shut up right now."

He lets go when she nods before turning to her husband with a smug look. "See? Easy!"

Roman only smirks in response whereas Theo's jaw drops when he realizes he was tricked. I can't help but chuckle as Elena embraces me in a tight hug. I instantly like her warm yet cheeky personality.

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