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Chapter Three - Mr. Bear

Theodore Jackson's P.O.V.

"Theo, the school kids are here for the two o'clock class." Ronny, one of my ranch hands, tells me as he opens the door to my office.

"Alright, let's go." I grunt as I turn off my laptop before heading outside.

I hear the excited chatter of the young children before I even step onto the grass. Their eyes are bright with curiosity and can barely contain their excitement as Ronny steps inside the pen. I greet the teacher, Mrs. Smith, like always before turning to address the kids. They listen to every word as my other men come out with equipment for them.

"My name is Theo and I'll be your instructor for the day. Each of you will have a supervisor who will stay next to you and help you through the lesson so no need to worry." I smile reassuringly at the children who are looking at the ponies nervously. "But first, I need you guys to put on this gear and then pick your ponies okay?"

"Yes Theo!" They yell and giggle as they run to the ranch hands who help them into their gear.

One by one the kids step into the pen cautiously and choose a pony. The young horses carry on eating or looking around causally as they're used to people being around them by now. I walk around to see if everyone is good to go but hear an argument break out. Frowning in confusion I look to my right to see the teacher standing by a pony called Ruby which a boy has mounted.

But then I catch sight of the little girl standing with her feet apart in a defiant stance. She has stormy grey eyes and her long brown hair is in a ponytail but I notice the bits of blonde here and there too. Freckles cover her cheeks which are flushed red with anger and her rosy lips are turned up in a pout as she crosses her arms. I smirk at the fire dancing in her eyes and step a little closer to see what's going on.

"Jack! Aria picked this first." Mrs. Smith scowls as she tries to get the boy off the pony.

"I said I want this one!" The boy screams loudly and all but throws a temper tantrum.

But what happens next almost has me choking on air. The little girl called Aria glares at him fiercely before pulling a chunk of grass with mud from the ground and throwing it straight into the boy's face. It hits him square in the mouth and some of it even goes in as he starts spluttering immediately. I'm unable to stop the amused grin from spreading across my lips as she sticks out her tongue and stomps away.

After making sure he's taken care of I turn with a shake of my head and catch some of my ranch hands snickering discreetly. Leaving the teacher behind me I continue my rounds and find that everyone is ready for the lesson.

All except one.

Everyone has a pony except for little Aria. She leans against the fence with her arms still crossed as her boots kick the dirt underneath. I watch the excitement fade from her big grey eyes and her shoulders slump in defeat when she realizes there's no more ponies.

Smiling, I make my way to the stables and guide a stunning white pony from where she was lazily resting. Saddling her up I lead her back towards the pen before stepping inside and calling Aria.

"Is that for me?!" She gasps before rushing over.

"It sure is! This here is Crystal." I crouch down and grab her to put her on the pony.

Aria squeals in joy as I help her get settled and put on her helmet. I chuckle as she grins widely at the boy from earlier while he sulks. Deciding to be her supervisor I start the class and teach them about horse riding. As usual the air fills with noises of surprise, fear, and joy as we lead the ponies around the pen.

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