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Going unnoticed in Fjerda was no easy task.   Not while hauling the body of the 'traitor' known by every drüskelle.

But she had to do it.

For Matthias, She constantly reminded herself.

The few members of the Dregs who had helped to bring Matthias' body home to the Fjerdan ice were now on their way back to the ship. Nina was left to say her final goodbye, then bury him. Surprising herself, she only shed a few tears that morning; most of the sobbing had taken place in the days before.

Matthias would take root, and be reconnected with both the earth and Djel. Nina would have it no other way. He meant everything in the world to her, gave her a new purpose. And while Djel took care of him, she would fulfill Matthias' purpose. She would help the Fjerdans to see the truth.

"We'll meet again," said Nina, placing the once lush flowers she plucked from the Van Eck garden onto his grave. "In the next life."

She felt an odd connection to him now, as if his death and her new powers had become one. Death had become her servant, and yet Matthias' death had devastated her.

Now what? Life had seemed to lose its meaning. She slowly trudged her way back to the ship, the snow beneath her feet beginning to melt with the coming of Spring.


Taking a seat in the hull of the swaying ship, Nina realized how much she missed the others already, wondering how Kaz was doing in his new position as a Barrel Boss, whether Wylan was able to piece together some semblance of a family again.  And of course, she knew Inej was kicking some slaver ass.

It felt strange to be alone below the decks of a ship, much like the one she and Matthias had laid in when she had fought the effects of parem. The one she had accompanied Inej in while her wounds healed.

She would write to all of them as soon as she reached Ravka. She knew that Inej was especially worried for her, so she would start with one for her.

     Nina glanced down at her Dregs tattoo, the crow and the cup. She could ask Genya to remove it, but something about that felt wrong.   After all they'd been through, and with Kaz now in charge of the gang, she felt that the symbol deserved a place on her arm. A symbol of her past. A symbol of her friends. A symbol of the copious amounts of wealth she had just earned.

She called for Rotty. "Some tea please."

"With honey?"

"For Saint's sake, yes with honey!" She hadn't meant to sound so angry, but this trip had really taken its toll on her temper. "Please"

"Yes ma'am"

Rotty was back moments later with sweet smelling tea. 

   Nina hadn't realized the look frustration on her own face until he said "Hey, it's alright. We're gonna get you back to Ravka, you're gonna go live with your friends in the Army, and heck, anytime you wanna visit Ketterdam your friend's got a pretty sweet vessel."

"The Wraith"  Nina nodded to herself.

Kaz had told the group about his gift to Inej. The only condition, no one could tell her or risk choking on a crow's head cane. A fairly tame threat for Kaz Brekker, but no one would risk it.

Nina knew his love for her was no fleeting thing. When you love someone like Inej, you do not ask her to settle or to humble her aspirations. You do not spend every hour trying to protect her from every little thing.

You are simply there for her.

When she needs a friend, a ship, a home to come back to, you are there.


While writing a letter to Inej, Nina stopped to think of a way to close it. She thought of Inej's new occupation.

And when you take down your first round of slavers, come visit in Ravka. Waffles on me.

                                                       -love, Nina

[hey guys! Thank you for reading the first part of this book! I'm not sure if I'll write much from Nina's POV, just because I'm not sure where to go next with her. Tell me what you think, I'm open to suggestions!]

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