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Jesper laid in the bathtub, his bony knees far out of the steamy water. He let out a soft sigh.

Today had been rough. With Wylan having to clean up the mess his father left behind, and Jesper beside him anxious for some kind of action, the day had seemed to drag on.

He heard a soft knock on the door.

"I'm in here!" Jesper said in a startled tone.

"It's me," he heard Wylan through the door. He sounded exhausted.

"Come on in, Wy."

Wylan opened the door tentatively, peering over his shoulder to make sure there were no servants or guards nearby.

Jesper let out a chuckle.
"Hop in, the water's warm" he gave a devious grin.

Wylan's cheeks went from pale, to pink, to red, but he shook his head.

"You're right. I barely fit in this thing. I guess not even a Merch's tub can handle all this greatness." He gestured to his long legs, now stretched out over the side of the bathtub.

Wylan gave a half-hearted giggle, looking away from Jesper and into the mirror.

Damn it Jesper. Do you always have to crack jokes at times like these? He thought.

"Actually, I uh, I was gonna ask if you could read to me." He was still blushing slightly.

"Wylan, I think you've done enough work today. Please rest."

"No, I-" he dropped his defensive tone. "I want to hear a story. You can pick any book in the library."  His voice was quieter than usual, as if he were embarrassed.

"Of course, just give me a few more minutes. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah everything is just... a lot nowadays, you know?" He sat himself up on the counter "My mother is back home; my dad in jail; I'm left with lots of kruge and even more problems to solve..."

He looked Jesper up and down. "And there's a boy in my bathtub who is looking temptingly magnificent."

Wylan tried a very forced wink, and Jesper let out a bark of laughter.

He unplugged the drain and stepped out of the bath, then reached for a silk robe in a sage green color and wrapped it around himself.
"Let's go find a book."


Jesper sat in a large armchair with Wylan draped over him in a sleepy haze. He had chosen a promising novel about a crew of whalers.

"One more chapter" Wylan said groggily, tracing a scar on Jesper's forearm with his fingertips.

"Are you sure you don't just want to go to bed?" He asked, beginning to feel tired himself.

"No, I want to listen to your voice. I want to fall asleep to it."

Jesper felt an ache in his heart. A good ache, one that comes from a tender moment like this.

"Alright," he said softly and craned his neck to kiss Wylan's forehead.

Wylan moved so that his ear was pressed to Jesper's chest, so that he could hear Jesper's voice rumble as he spoke.

If this would help Wylan sleep, he would read to him every night. There really was no downside. A relaxing night, a good story, and the cutest boy in Ketterdam sprawled out in his lap. He simply admired him for a moment.

"Continue" Wylan poked him.

"Alright, Alright. Chapter four..."

As he read, Jesper felt himself drifting off to sleep, the boy on his chest far ahead of him.


Jesper woke to the sound of a window creaking, then uneven footsteps coming down the hall. Jesper already knew who it was, and as Kaz came into view he shook his head.

"What business, Brekker?" Jesper was not surprised Kaz was in the house, but when he came he was hardly ever detected.

Kaz turned to him, and Jesper didn't think he imagined the slight jump of surprise.

I startled Kaz Brekker Jesper thought to himself.

"Where's Inej?"

"In her room. Parents left a few days ago, so she's either sleeping or planning her next attack."

"I'd like to meet with her." Kaz looked dignified. "I thought you slept upstairs, Jes." He raised one eyebrow.

"I-... I do. This is a ...special occasion." He stuttered.

"Don't lie to me. You've had a thing for the Merchling since I sent you to recruit him."

Wylan jolted awake and turned over so that he was facing Kaz.
"Kaz?" He began to move away from Jesper "It's not-"

"He knows, Wy. It's okay."

Wylan let out a sigh. "I guess there's no privacy when you're friends with Dirtyhands and The Wraith. Go find Inej." He waved Kaz away.

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