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Wylan woke to a light tap on his shoulder. He grumbled and buried his face into his blanket, earning more rigorous taps on his back.

"Jes, stop. I'm up." He cringed at how rough his voice was.

Without opening his eyes he moved to swat Jesper away, but he felt nothing. He opened his eyes to see that Jesper was nowhere near the cot Wylan was made to sleep on. Instead, he was sitting on the other side of the room, his hands up and facing Wylan.

The tapping continued.

With wide eyes, Wylan glanced down to see bullet shells bouncing up and down on his shoulder. Jesper burst into a fit of laughter, letting the metal shells drop to the floor. Wylan shook his head and popped his aching back. The thin pad he slept on was far less than comfortable.

"I still don't get why I have to sleep on this thing. It's thin and I get cold." He groaned, kicking up the edge of the cot in frustration.

"Da's house, Da's rules." Jesper said, rolling his eyes. "Sounds like someone misses sleeping with me."

"I've never known you as one to follow rules." Wylan gave him a smirk, trying to hide his blush from the previous statement.

With lidded eyes he sauntered over to Jesper, straddling the tall boy's lap. Jesper's eyes widened in surprise before returning to their usual coolness.

"Hmm...I like it when you're bold, merchling." Jesper poked his nose before leaning down to kiss his lips.

After a moment, Wylan parted his lips. He was hungry for intimacy. They hadn't done more than peck each other's lips since leaving Ketterdam. The cottage's thin walls, a child in the house, and Jesper's vigilant father didn't help.

Jesper's wandering hands and tongue warmed Wylan's shivering body. Wylan's kisses found Jesper's jawline as he felt a large hand tangle in his curls. Jesper's breath hitched and his movements halted for half a second before he continued. Strange, but Wylan thought nothing of it.

However, when he grabbed the hem of Jesper's shirt, someone behind him cleared their throat.

"Jesper, don't pretend you don't see me." Colm said from the doorway.

Wylan could feel the blood in his cheeks as he shot off of Jesper's lap. Embarrassed, he was scared to make eye contact with anyone, so he threw his hands over his face. When he spared a look at his lover, he realized that Jesper was in fact shameless.

"Breakfast is ready." Colm said, looking mildly disturbed.


Sitting at the kitchen table as everyone finished the last of their food, the only sound that could be heard was chewing and Jesper's bouncing leg. Wylan decided to cut the awkward silence.

"Jesper's definitely getting used to his powers." Wylan mentioned, motioning to him with a fork.

Jesper lifted his hand and the fork flew into it.

Talon's mouth formed an 'o'. Wylan couldn't help but smile as she sat up to reach her cup. She was barely tall enough to see over the table. It was adorable.

Colm looked at Jesper in surprise.

"I've always been able to somewhat direct metal. But yes, I'm getting good at it."

Wylan couldn't tell if Colm was proud or disappointed from the look on his face. Sensing the room tense up again, he took Jesper's hand under the table. Jesper gave him a soft smile.

Then, someone knocked on the door.

Colm stood up and answered the door, opening it to reveal two middle aged men. One of them peeked around Colm's shoulder to look at the two boys.

"Good morning sir. You seen any Zowa around here? Grisha?"

"No, sir." Colm said rather convincingly.

Wylan felt a hand on his shoulder as Jesper carefully led him back to the bedroom. When they reached the room, Jesper shut and locked the door behind them.


"Grisha hunters." He said quietly.

"They have those here?"

"They do now. All over the countryside." Jesper paced, running a hand over his face.

Without a second thought, Wylan reached for his bag of explosives. He searched for a few fatal ones and turned to leave the room. But as he touched the doorknob, he was yanked back by his collar.

"No, Wy," Jesper carefully took the bombs from him. "No."

"Why? I can't let them hurt you!" He was beginning to panic.

"They won't. Not if they don't know."

His voice was soft, far too comforting coming from someone who was being actively hunted.
Wylan's vision clouded and all he could focus on were the glistening gray eyes looking into his.

"Not if they don't know." Jesper repeated under his breath.

The doorknob jiggled, but neither of them budged. Soon, a key unlocked the door to reveal Colm.

"I do a lot of lying on your behalf, son." He sighed. "They're gone."

All of their shoulders dropped in relief.


That night, Wylan tried to settle into his cot. He tossed and turned before giving up and staring at the ceiling. He should be tired. The day had been terrifying for them all, and the thought of Jesper being hunted for his powers made his stomach churn.

He glanced over at the sleeping sharpshooter. He knew that he was probably equally as shaken as Wylan, if not more. Why was Wylan sleeping alone while his favorite person in the world was ten feet away from him?

He rolled off the cot and tiptoed across the room, careful not to wake anyone. He crawled onto the bed and pulled himself flush against Jesper's back. He stretched out his legs, wishing that Jesper could do the same and still fit on the bed.

When he buried his face into the crook of Jes's neck, he heard a soft hum.

"Ghezen, I didn't mean to wake you up." Wylan apologized.

"I've been awake." He said softly, taking Wylan's arm and wrapping it around himself. "I don't think my Da wants us sleeping together, love. " He said lightheartedly.

"I don't care." Wylan pulled him impossibly closer. "I need you, Jes."

"I need you too. I need you to stay right here with me."

They held each other tighter than ever that night.

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