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The sea was rougher than usual.

A storm had brushed over Kerch in the week before, and was now taking up residence in the sea. Nonetheless, Inej's crew was hardy, bringing the Zemeni shore into view within five nights. Jesper ran onto the deck, watching his homeland grow on the horizon. He threw his arms around Inej, thanking her every time the two crossed paths.

Wylan stood beside him, salt weighing down his ruddy curls.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"We're so far away, Jes. All I can see is that we're getting off this boat soon." Wylan rubbed his eyes groggily.

"Not much for sailing, huh?"

Wylan simply shook his head and hummed a soft tune. Jesper got a feel for the melody and began to add his own lyrics. Before long, half the crew, Wylan, and Inej were singing a joyful shanty.

Jesper nudged Kaz.


Jesper noticed the wishful look Inej gave Kaz. He reluctantly joined in, tapping his cane to the rhythm.

Wasn't 'till I crossed the sea
I fell In love with royalty

Land Ho! Land Ho!

Wasn't 'till I braved the sea
I found a lady just for me

Here we go! Oh, we go!

Wasn't till I braved the sea
I found my lovely home!

Jesper took Wylan's hands, swinging him around the deck. He poked the blushing boy's nose, replacing the word lady with merchling. Wylan scowled at him playfully, continuing to prance around in the salty breeze.


Leaving The Wraith, the group found a generous man who would take them to the farmland. After hours of hitchhiking and walking dirt roads, they approached Jesper's family home.

"It's beautiful. Nothing but us and the fields." Inej said in awe, reaching out to touch the jurda growing on either side of the path.

Jesper felt nothing but joy, releasing a tension he had never noticed before. His head was light, his lungs full. The orange of jurda filled his vision; its bitter smell filling his nose.


He spotted his father, Colm Fahey, working in the field. He motioned to the others and began running. Sprinting.

"Da!" His voice was hoarse. "Da!"

Colm looked up from his work, dropping the bucket of seeds in his hands.


Seconds later, they were in an embrace. Jesper noticed the same old hat his father always wore flopped on the ground. 

"What's happening?"

"We wanted to see you." Inej said from behind Jesper. Of course he didn't hear her.

Wylan and Kaz strolled up a moment later, Wylan carrying Talon.

"Wylan," Colm waved at him, Wylan giving a smile in return.

Colm grabbed Jesper's shoulders, moving him away from the others.

"It's too soon for you to be bringing me grandchildren, Jes." Jesper couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"Uh...no, that's not what this is about." He laughed awkwardly. "Kaz and Inej saved Talon from some slavers. We...I just wanted to visit. I've been worried sick. We thought maybe we could find a home for her here."

She does look like Wylan and I's child, doesn't she? Weird. Jesper thought, grinning at the idea of starting a family with Wylan.

Nope. Nope. Still seventeen.

Colm glanced at Kaz, giving him a nod. Kaz nodded back, both hands resting on his cane. There was some sort of unspoken solidarity between the two. Jesper wouldn't dare question it.

"Wylan, come here kid." Colm opened his arms to hug him.

Colm hugged him firmly, ruffling Wy's hair as if he were his own son.  They spoke in hushed tones, but Jesper could make sense of some of it.

"He's treating you well?" Colm glanced at Jesper.

"Amazing. He's all I could ask for."

"Good. He causes any trouble, tell me. Boy's not too old for some discipline."

"Da!" Said Jesper "I can hear you."

"He's a keeper, Jes. Don't lose him."


The next day, as they settled in for a nice dinner, Kaz's eyes darted to the window. Not a good sign.

"We've been followed." He said nonchalantly, sending the four of them into fighting mode.

Inej unsheathed a knife from her thigh and was out of sight within seconds. Wylan ran to get his bag of explosives. Jesper drew his pistols. Kaz just stood there, tapping his cane.

Jesper gave him an incredulous look.

"Well? Get going. Someone has to protect the common folk."

Jesper huffed and ran out the front door of the cottage, lead zipping over his head. There were few enemies, but they had some powerful rifles. They left their position behind the barn to charge towards Jesper.

"Bad idea." He muttered, taking his aim.

A heavy set man wearing a mask over his nose fell to ground amongst the jurda. One down. Two others crouched down, trying their shot at the tall sharpshooter.

"Close your eyes!" He heard someone shout from the roof.

As he did, he saw the light of a flashbomb through his eyelids. With the two men blind, Inej was able to land a knife in each of their chests. Jesper led a bullet to their skulls for safe measure.

Only three? Jesper had missed the exhilaration.

He ran inside to check on his Da. He and Talon were tucked behind the sofa with Kaz standing guard. Other than a bit of shock, everyone seemed alright. Wylan and Inej walked in. Inej wiped blood from her knives.

"Our location has been discovered. We leave tonight." Said Kaz.

Colm stood up. "Jes, please don't leave. Wylan, you too. We'll... we'll be safe here. As safe as we can be. You're just boys. Jes, you're seventeen."

Wylan started to decline, but Inej interrupted.
"We can handle ourselves." She looked at Kaz. "Stay. Protect the farm."

"Blow anyone who steps onto this property to smithereens." Kaz added.

"Can I stay?" Talon looked up at Colm hopefully, her arm wrapped around his leg.

They all hummed in approval.

"See you guys," Jesper gave Inej a hug.

"No mourners,"

"No funerals." They said in unison.

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