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Wylan pressed on the pearly keys of his grand piano, playing a cheerful melody that he had written. His mother sat beside him on the bench, humming along.

While he didn't believe in them, Wylan thanked the gods every day that his mother was back home.

The small woman had aged beautifully, her smile creating crinkles around her blue eyes. Each day she spent with Wylan she became more of herself. She had rediscovered her love for music and spent most days in the gardens. The mansion's living room was lined with the beautiful paintings she had created.

But today, Marya seemed especially joyful. She had woken Wylan and Jesper that morning with cups of tea and a wide smile. The designer dress she wore was only meant for special occasions.

Even now, she looked down at Wylan with the most excited grin.

Strange. Wylan thought, but he wouldn't dare question his mother's happiness. After what she had been through, Marya deserved every second of joy that could be had.

His fingers stopped abruptly when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Nina stood behind him with the dumbest grin on her face. He noticed that she had also dressed up a bit.

"Am I missing something?" He asked, gesturing to her deep red sundress.

The giddiness was prominent in her voice. "Jesper wants to meet you in the garden."

Wylan looked back at his mother, but she just smiled back at him and nodded towards the door leading outside.

He stood up and made his way to the glass door through which he could see the garden. He noticed the other two had followed him as he peered through the window.

Through the lush hedges and fruit trees, he could see Inej talking to Jesper. She was talking rather energetically with her hands. Was she giving Jesper a pep talk? If so, for what?

He pushed the door open slightly and they hushed immediately.

Definitely something.

Upon seeing him, Jesper jogged back to the house and hooked Wylan's arm in his. He then led Wylan down the white stone path that reached to the center of the large garden.

Jesper picked a pale pink orchid from one of the plants lining the walk and placed it behind Wylan's ear. Wylan chuckled, feeling a blush take over his cheeks.

Once they reached the large circle that marked the center of the garden, Jesper turned and took Wylan's hands in his.

The sharpshooter towered over Wylan as he looked down at him lovingly. Jesper had not spoken a word, but the look on his face told Wylan that something was about to happen.

"What's this all about, Jes?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, merchling?" Jesper took a hand from Wylan's to poke him on the nose.

Wylan tried a frown, but a giggle soon took its place. Jesper's teasing had always managed to somehow infuriate him and make him laugh at the same. Wylan loved it, and clearly his partner did too.

Jesper's stone eyes glinted in the sunlight as he placed his slender hand on Wylan's cheek.

"Saints, you're beautiful Wylan." Jesper breathed, his tone turned serious.

His thumb brushed back and forth across Wylan's cheekbone so lightly that it could barely be felt.

"I'm so glad I met you. I always thought I screwed up pretty badly, but if it brought me to you, it was worth it. There's no path I would have rather taken. Nowhere else I'd rather be."

Wylan was now blushing with no hope of hiding it. He wasn't quite sure what to say, so he stood on his toes and pulled Jesper's chin down so that their lips met. As they kissed, he could feel the Zemeni man's smile against his lips.

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Jes." He finally spoke up. "I really don't."

"Well, if all goes according to my plan, you'll never have to." Jesper said with a smirk.

Wylan raised an eyebrow. Only when he looked past Jesper's side did he notice his mother, Nina, Inej, and even Kaz watching off in the distance.

Then, as if on cue, Jesper reached into his pocket and got one knee.

Wylan covered his mouth as he gasped. Tears were already beginning to sting his eyes.

"Wylan, you are the world to me. You are the sun and moon; the stars in the sky that I wish on every night.

As many tables and hands as I've played, you're the best bet I've ever made.

You were family from the moment we started that insane job. And when my Da met you, he knew that you were the one. In fact, he's been writing me begging for me to do this for a while."

Wylan thought back to the letters that Jesper had refused to read to him. It all made sense now.

"I know we're young, but without a doubt in my mind I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He pulled out a small box lined with sliver laurels. As the box opened, Wylan saw the most beautiful ring he had ever seen. It was silver with delicate patterns etched into it. In the center was a fine pearl.

"Wylan, will you marry me?"

"Yes yes yes yes!!" Wylan blurted out, tears dripping onto his cheek.

Jesper stood and slipped the intricately designed ring onto his finger. His large hands moved to wipe the droplets from Wylan's face.

"I love you so much, Jesper." Wylan croaked.

"I love you too, darling. More than you can imagine." He said softly.

Applause erupted from their friends behind them, but Wylan's eyes stayed locked with Jesper's.

He was the most captivating person the merchling had ever laid eyes on. Wylan could spend every waking minute staring into those cool gray eyes and kissing those full lips.

He smiled at the feeling of the ring on his finger. He then looked down to inspect the ring more closely.

"I designed it myself. Y'know, with my powers."

"It's beautiful." Tears could be heard in his voice. "Thank you."

"Only the best for you."

Jesper winked, but took Wylan into his arms as he couldn't stop the tears from coming. Moments later, Marya was hugging them both.

"I said you could marry my son, not make him sob." She poked at Jesper.

"I'm so happy, mama," He tried to hide his sniffles. "So happy."

The others circled them in a group hug. Kaz stuck to the outside, only trusting to put his arm around Inej, but his genuine smile showed his sentiment.

They spent the day chatting and laughing over celebratory waffles. Though Nina would be returning to Ravka in the next week, there was nothing but joy among them.

It was as if time had frozen and the friends were gifted a moment of peace in their complex lives. A moment to be nothing but themselves.

Wylan looked around the table at his friends. Life was strange, and it would continue to be strange, but he knew that there were no other people he would rather spend it with.

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