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Kaz's POV

Kaz struggled to carry himself back to the slat. Inej had placed herself under one of his arms to support him, and Nina had the other. They set a slow, careful pace to avoid hurting his leg any further.

It was a simple mistake. He had been scaling an office building to get a better vantage point when he twisted his bad leg, causing him to fall. The pain was excruciating, and it had taken everything in him not to scream. Luckily, Nina and Inej were on the same job and found him within an hour. A nearly insufferable hour.

"One more block," Inej said softly. Kaz could hear the concern in her voice.

"If I was still a heartrender..." Nina trailed off, an apologetic look on her face.

"But you're not." Kaz's voice was strained. "I should be alright. If not, I'll hire a healer."

They were silent until they reached the lobby of the slat, everyone's shoulders relaxing slightly.

"I'm glad your room is on the bottom floor now." Inej sighed.

They helped Kaz into his room, setting him on his bed.

"You sure you'll be alright?" Nina asked.

"I'm fine."

With that, the two of them turned to leave. But a sudden feeling bubbled up inside of Kaz. One that wanted Inej to turn back around, to sit with him. This time, he chose to speak up.


She turned to face him. "Yes?"

"Stay?" His voice came as a raspy whisper. He cleared his throat. "Stay. Please."

Inej looked at him quizzically.  Nina tapped her on the shoulder, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nina" Inej scolded, a soft blush rising to her cheeks at Nina's teasing. Inej then nudged her friend out the door and closed it, leaving just the two of them. "Is something wrong?"

"Other than my leg and some possibly broken bones? No."

Inej rolled her eyes at his remark.

He sighed. "I, uh, I just wanted to talk with you."

"About?" She looked at him expectantly.

She's probably eager to leave. Say something.

But he had nothing to talk about. He just wanted her. "You did well today. On the job."

"Thank you, Kaz, But I have a feeling that's not why I'm here." She tilted her head knowingly.

He wasn't sure when she moved, but she now stood at the end of his bed, looking down at him as he took off his shoes. Keenly aware of her gaze, he then shucked off his overcoat. He heard Inej take in a sharp breath as if it wasn't something she had seen multiple times before.

He reclined onto the stiff bed, his body aching far too much to bother with the rest of his clothes. He thought hard about what to say, but no words would come to him. Not while Inej Ghafa stood right there. Her braid had come loose during the job, and soft light from the lanterns traced through the dark waves of her hair.

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