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They reached fifth harbor at midnight, mist shrouding the Barrel as usual.

Kaz inspected himself in a narrow, cracked mirror propped up against the wall of the hull. He tucked in his white collared shirt and pulled on his dull gray overcoat. He then shook out his bad leg, wincing slightly.

He would be the last one to leave. The others had already docked the ship and were turning in at a hotel for the night. Kaz wanted a moment to collect himself before walking into what he knew would be a mess at the Slat. They'd barely done anything under Per Haskell, and with his absence he didn't expect much of a change. If anything they may have gotten lazier.

Kaz huffed and took one last look at himself, running a gloved hand through his hair. The hair on top of his head was now long enough fall over his eyes. The sides were beginning to grow out in desperation need of clipping. He'd been sure to avoid any type of facial hair, but the hair on his head was to be left to a professional. Who was Kaz Brekker if he did not look as sharp as his wits?

He was surprised to feel the presence of someone watching him. He did not see or hear. No. But he felt it. Some unknown sense that it seemed only he had.

"Hello, Wraith. If you've come to watch me dress, you're a bit late." He said, his gaze fixed on the mirror.

Out of the corner of his eye, Inej appeared. Where she was hidden, only she would know.

Kaz turned to meet her eyes.

She soundlessly stepped right up to him, her nose nearly touching his chest. Her eyes flitted up to meet Kaz's. He took in a breath, daring to glance down at her lips, silently wishing.

Wishing things were different, wishing she would just kiss him.  Wishing to for one second forget his past and for his touch to not remind Inej of her's.

As he watched her deep brown eyes, it seemed she was thinking the same. However, the room stayed silent. Kaz shifted his feet, looking expectantly at Inej.

She touched a finger to his jawline, cupping it so gently that it could barely be felt.

The silence remained. Kaz could hear his heart pounding.


"Let me take you in. Let me keep you in my mind." She whispered dreamily.

He looked at her quizzically.

"Our lives are so... fragile. Every time you walk away I'm left with the thought of it. There are so many reasons I may never see you again. I want to remember everything, Kaz. I want to remember you."

"Tragedy is an occupational hazard." He said, putting his guard up.

But as he said it, he was taking her in too. Could he live without her joining him on missions? Without hearing her laugh again?

He mindlessly reached out and touched her fine, silky braid. Something in him wanted more, so he stepped back and took his gloves off.

Inej watched him hesitantly, her lips parted in surprise.

Kaz approached her once more, placing his bare hand on her cheek, his other resting on her shoulder.

"I want to remember you too." He said softly, his voice more gravelly than usual.

She looked up at him with tears dotting her wide eyes.

As if on instinct, he pulled her into a tight hug.
She buried her face into Kaz's chest.

No memories resurfaced in that moment. There was nothing in the world but the two of them rocking each other back and forth, both terrified of letting go.


Walking into the Slat, Kaz was met with the familiar sight of rowdy Dregs on the first floor. Most of them were drunken from a night at the clubs and were now playing games and talking amongst themselves. Many straightened up at the sight of him, while some of the older members simply glanced at him before returning to their card games.

Kaz struck his cane on the wooden floor, gaining the room's attention.

"What have you all gotten done while I've been gone?"

They all looked around at each other nervously, the loud hum of their murmurs taking over the room.

"I've been away for two weeks. You're telling me nothing has been accomplished?" Kaz groaned. He wasn't surprised, but disappointed. "Someone speak up before I look into your individual progress."

At this, a few members looked smug, while most cowered in embarrassment. The ones who had actually gotten a job done vs. the ones who had done absolutely nothing. Finally someone spoke up.

"The Kaelish Prince is history." Said Kaz's new demolitions expert. "The poisonous gases we sent in forced them to condemn it."

She was a small but tough Shu girl, new to the Dregs. She wasn't quite good enough to completely replace Wylan, but could still fill the position.

Kaz let out a triumphant chuckle. They'd been trying to eliminate the Crow Club's competition for months. Plus, anything to spite Pekka Rollins was a very good thing.

He fumbled with the strange silver pin that Inej had slipped into his coat pocket.

"One more thing." He took out the pin, holding it up. "Do any of you know what this is."

Many people came closer to inspect the pin, but none of them recognized it until an older member came to see it. Yutal, a middle aged con artist, held the pin between his fingers. He squinted to see the fine details.

"They call themselves the Misleads." He began. "A mysterious army of slavers. They claim no nation, only their allegiance to each other and the open sea. Real dangerous. Impossible to find unless they find you."

"Anything else?"

"If they're after you, it's for a reason." Yutal warned.

Kaz stiffened. Slavers like them have no business going after a Barrel rat who happened to make some pretty Kruge. They had a motive.

Or worse, someone had hired them. Someone who wouldn't dare step near Dirtyhands and his crew ever again, but still wanted them dead.

Pekka Rollins.

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