ONE SHOT- The Merchant Council

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Wylan's POV:

Wylan was trembling in his dress shoes as he straightened his tie one last time.

The Kerch Merchant Council was holding its first meeting since Wylan took charge of his father's estate. That alone would make him an outcast, but many other factors were at play. The council had never had a member as young as he was, and Wylan felt like more of a fraud than ever. Van Eck had never intended to leave his inheritance to him. Wylan couldn't even read his own documents.

And on top of it all, he was a criminal. A pretty high profile one. But of course, the council only recognized him as the unlucky son of a merchant gone mad.

He looked into the mirror one last time, trying to stop his nervous shivers. He had bitten his lower lip repeatedly, to the point that it began to bruise. He cringed at the dull pain as he touched it.

He pulled his bouncy red curls back in a short ponytail in hopes of making himself look a bit older. Once he realized that it worked, he found he actually liked this new hairstyle quite a lot. He turned to each side, spinning in the mirror to see himself from all angles.

"Look who's checking himself out." A low, chuckling voice came from the bathroom's doorway. Jesper soon appeared behind him in the mirror, putting his large hands on Wylan's shoulders. "You're looking wonderful."

"I look like an idiot. They're gonna know, Jes."

"Know what?"

"That I can't read. That my father hates me. Hell, what if they find out I blew up half of the city?" Wylan said frantically, looking into Jesper's eyes through the mirror.

"You'll do fine. And if not, we can always blow up some more stuff. Seems to work pretty well." Jesper shrugged.

"Do you like the hair?"

"I do. Gives you some more edge. It's cute." Jesper gave the little bit of hair hanging down a  playful tug.

Wylan's cheeks flushed.  He bit his lip again, stopping when the pain reminded him not to.

"I know you're nervous, but you've got this. I don't think I know anyone more capable than you."

"That's because everyone you know is either a gambler or gang member." He poked Jesper's chest.

Jesper laughed and put his hands up in surrender. "You got me."


The two of them were walking the short distance to the venue where the meeting would be held. Jesper had served as Wylan's assistant for all his business matters up to this point. Wylan did the thinking and made all of his own decisions, of course, but Jesper would read the documents and whisper their words into his ear.

Wylan felt more confident with the sharpshooter beside him, knowing the long coat he wore concealed the Pearl-handled revolvers hanging from his hips. His eyes darted around, landing on said hips.

"Stop looking at me like that." Jesper pulled his coat around himself entirely, pretending to be embarrassed. "This is official business!"

"I'm looking at your guns, you idiot." Wylan said, but couldn't fight the blush that came to his cheeks.

When they reached the door, a Stadwatch guard quickly scanned Wylan's face and granted him entry. He expected the man to do the same for Jesper, but instead he threw out an arm to block Jesper's path.

"Council members only."

"I'm Mr. Van Eck's assistant." Jesper tried to reason. He shot Wylan an apologetic stare.

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