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     Wylan examined the girl Kaz and Inej had brought into his home. She was young, and probably had no idea what was going on. He figured Kaz would fill him in on whatever elaborate story they were going to tell the girl; they couldn't be telling children all of the gang's business.

    Jesper didn't come downstairs when the others arrived. He had fallen into a strange mood after breakfast, retiring to their now-shared bedroom without a word.

I should check on him. It's not like him to not greet Inej. Wylan thought, starting to go upstairs.

   He opened the door to the master bedroom to find a very disheveled Jesper. He was curled up on a rug that he had fabrikated all of the color out of. Wylan could see the remnants of dye on Jesper's fingertips. Tears shone on his mahogany cheeks. Wylan had never seen Jesper this bad. He almost looked small, fragile. Not like himself at all. He ran over and dropped to his knees so that he was at Jesper's level.


"Wy," Jesper sniffed, his voice shaky.

"Jes, what's wrong?" Wylan pulled him into his arms and began rocking him gently.

The room was quiet for a moment, the only sounds being Jesper's panicked breaths and Wylan's kisses to his temple.

"I miss my Da." Jesper let out a shaky sigh, as if it was hard for him to say. "I'm so worried about him now."

"Why didn't you tell me? We can visit him any time. Nothing here is that important."

"I..." Jesper thought for a moment.
"I felt like it was a sensitive subject for you. I didn't want to rub it in."

"Well...yeah. But I know how much means to you. Hell, after all he's done for us I think I love him, too." Wylan half-joked.

   Wylan noticed the red and purple fingerprints on his shirt from where Jesper had hugged him. He pinched the fabric and gave a soft chuckle.

"Sorry about your rug." Jesper's eyes darted to the now white mat. "When I learn to fabrikate correctly I'll fix it. I'll make you the most beautiful rug in all the land, darling."

Jesper took Wylan's hand. Even through tears, his flirty grin lit up the room.

   Jesper winked, making Wylan laugh. Jesper was feeling better. Before he knew it, their lips were touching. Wylan could taste where the tears had once fallen down his lover's face. He could still feel Jesper's harsh breaths and pounding heart. When they pulled apart, he gazed into Jesper's cool grey eyes. He found himself lost in those eyes often, dangerously often. He then felt a large hand on this thigh. Jesper's eyes now asked a salacious question.

Ghezen, yes. Was Wylan's fist thought.

Wait. No, I know you could spend all day and into the night with this boy, but there are more important matters this morning. He scolded himself.

   He shook his head, leaning in to kiss Jesper one more time. "Kaz and Inej are back. They saved a child."

   A look of confusion dashed over Jesper's face, but was soon replaced with one of excitement.


   Jesper and Talon hit it off immediately. Something about his endless energy and playfulness made him great with kids. While they played in the garden, Wylan, Kaz, and Inej sat at the dinner table with a map of the countries and seas surrounding Kerch.

"Novyi Zem. We'll find a place for her there." Wylan chimed in over the others' scheming.

"Wylan, why do you keep insisting we go there? The seas are rough, and I don't she knows a lick of Zemeni." Inej was clearly becoming frustrated.

"I say we send her off to a childless couple in the countryside." Kaz added.

   Wylan leaned in and kept his voice low. "Jesper needs to go. He needs to see his father. You don't have to go with us, but I think we could find a place for Talon there. Make one trip instead of two."

Kaz nodded. That was all the approval the group needed.


   Wylan led a blindfolded Jesper to the harbor where The Wraith was moored. He felt bad for every time the lanky sharpshooter tripped, but wouldn't dare ruin the surprise.

"Hmm. I taste salt." Jesper mused, licking his lips.

   When they stopped on the dock, Jesper began fumbling with the cloth covering his eyes.

"Jes, come on! We're almost there!"

   But it was too late. Jesper stared up at the ship in awe, clutching the cloth to his chest. This was his first good look at it.

"Where are we going..?" Jesper asked, turning to see Kaz, Inej, and Talon behind them.

"Novyi Zem. The Fahey farm." Wylan smiled up at him widely, trying to control his excitement.

Jesper let out a whoop and took Wylan's hand, practically frolicking onto the ship.

This one's kinda short, I split the idea I had into two chapters. Enjoy!

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