14- NINA

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Nina practically sprinted off of the Ravkan ship the second it moored in Fifth Harbor.

She had received a letter from Inej describing Talon and the Misleads. The man who had hired the slavers and Kaz's nemesis, Pekka Rollins, was dead. To top it all off, Inej had slipped some of Nina's favorite Kerch taffy into the envelope.

Nina had squealed in her bedchamber, immediately searching the records for the next shipment on its way to Ketterdam. The boat had been crowded with livestock, but she had arrived in Ketterdam within the next week.

So worth it.

Nina's boots hit the stone street hard as she ran. It was a long way to the Van Eck mansion, but Nina could not slow her steps. She nearly jogged the entire distance, ignoring the confused looks of strangers. They didn't know her story and she doubted they would want to.

A new wave of eagerness hit her as she saw the beautiful house in the distance. She noticed that the garden had become even more beautiful under Wylan's care. She reached the front walkway and rapped on the grand door. Within seconds, the door opened with Inej standing in its doorway.


The Suli girl tackled Nina in a hug.

"Guys! Nina's here!" She excitedly yelled back into the house.

She heard quick footsteps and what sounded like arguing before Jesper and Wylan came into view. They were pushing each other, debating on who should get to say hi first.

Nina laughed louder than she had in ages. "Come on guys, there's enough of me to go around."

However, Wylan made it the porch first via a foot placed in front of Jesper's leg. He did not attack her like Inej had, but gave her a firm hug.

"I'm glad you're back. Stay as long as you can." He gestured to his luxurious home.

Jesper took his place behind the merchling after picking himself up from the floor. He waved at her with an embarrassed smile.

"I'll be here for a few months at least. The Triumvirate has given me an assignment in Kerch."

Jesper's smile grew even bigger as he wrapped his long arms around her.

"Just in time for-" He stopped himself, pressing his lips shut.

"Just in time for what?" Inej asked.

She and Wylan looked up at him in confusion. Apparently they didn't know either.

"Um...never mind." Jesper looked embarrassed.

Nina decided not to press him further. She would be here for months, so she'd figure out sooner or later.

"Now, where's Kaz?" Nina wondered. "I know he doesn't hate me that much."

Kaz appeared from inside, looking slightly disgruntled as usual.

"I wasn't too keen on being tripped by these two idiots." He gestured to Wylan and Jesper. "It's good to see you, Nina."

The words touched her heart. Words like that coming from Kaz meant a lot.

"I'm hungry. I think it's time for some authentic Kerch waffles." She patted her belly.

All of them agreed.


They sat in a long booth with Nina, Jesper, and Wylan on one side, and Kaz and Inej on the other. The small diner had a cozy feel to it and used the best waffle recipe in all of Ketterdam. They chatted about their time apart while eating a surplus of waffles.

As Jesper went on about the guns for sale down the street, Nina's attention flocked to Kaz and Inej. She was surprised to see the distance between them, or, the lack thereof. Their thighs brushed slightly against each other and their arms hooked together. Kaz had made no effort to avoid the contact.

Nina fought an embarrassed blush as Kaz caught her staring. His eyes narrowed. She prepared for a harsh tone and some snarky remark, but what Kaz did next shocked everyone.

He titled his head down to Inej, lifting the underside of her chin with gloved fingertips. He then kissed her hard, only deepening the kiss when the others gasped.

Nina fought a squeal, but a small one came out anyway. Wylan stared with wide eyes. Jesper simply laughed.

As they pulled apart, Inej gave a soft smile. Kaz's smile dropped quickly as he looked back at Nina as if he had proven something.

"Alright then." She said quietly, folding her napkin.

"Bold, Kaz. Bold." Jesper chuckled, putting his arm around Wylan.

"Did you know about this?" She looked at the two boys next to her.

"I mean, they've been getting closer but...not like that." Said Wylan.

"You didn't tell me about this in your letter." Her eyes narrowed playfully at Inej.

"You'd figure out for yourself." She replied nonchalantly.

"Great. Now I have to put up with two obsessed couples." Nina rolled her eyes, but smiled at her friends nonetheless.

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