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After coming back from the market I decided if I was going to pay the scouts a visit I should at least bring them something nice, I had a feeling Eren had probably put them through a lot in whatever mission they went through.

I rolled up my sleeves and put on the apron Sasha gave me. It was brown with a cutely stitched bear on it eating cake. She told me to always wear it when I bake. Brought a smile to my lips every time I saw it.

After a few hours, I packed the cakes and bread into a woven basket and set out.

At the base, everyone looked grey and gloomy 'what is going on?' I continued walking and saw two children being escorted down the hall 'never seen them before' the girl had grim look on her face while the other boy looked like he was about to pass out. I walked over digging through my basket "would you like some?" I handed her some cake "DEVIL!" She screamed I was taken back 'bitch what?'

The blonde boy took the cake "thank you" he spoke.

"They're prisoners (YN) they don't deserve your kindness" one of the scouts hurried them along.


"I guess they haven't told you" he shook his head "they're in there" he pointed to one of the rooms.

I nodded unlocking the door, excited to see my favorite redhead Sasha. I strolled in, they all sat around the room distant from each other.

Connie had his head in his hands with Jean by his side. The atmosphere heavy and suffocating I dragged myself further in putting my basket down.

"These should cheer you guys up" I pulled off the cloth covering the treats, the sweet aroma filling the room.

"(YN)!" They cried looking at me with teary eyes.

I looked over to Armin and Mikasa but they instead looked to the ground. "What's up with everyone?" Armin placed his hand on my shoulder "maybe I should have told you beforehand"

"Hold on Armin" I cut him off searching the room "where's Sasha? I made her pie"

The room fell silent. "(YN)" the blonde whispered

"Sa-Sasha didn't make it"

"..." I blinked twice

"N..no that can't be true" I told him. He stretched his arms around me "sorry (YN)"

the tears fell loosely down my face. "Who did it! Who killed her?!" My sadness turning to anger.

"That brat Gabi"


The room shouted both names

"I blame both those bastards" Jean stepped forward he towered over me


"I say let's make a toast to Sasha she wouldn't want us to waste (YN) hard work" he cheered

One of the other scouts brought drinks and we all ate the food and no matter how hard I tried to stop crying I couldn't.

'Was this the real reason why he came to my house last night instead of coming here?'

"What's all the ruckus?!" I stern voice enters the room. Levi's eyes fell upon me "I see you told her" he came over, his cold stare sending shivers down my spine. He raised his hand to me patting my head, I almost spat out my food.

"Captain Levi?? You never treat us like that" all the Scouts watched him "exactly she isn't one of you brats, but-" he held up a glass of booze "to Sasha!"

Everyone joined him.


The sun was setting and I was drunk, I carried my self home falling down as soon I got in. My eyes stung daring to water again. 'Sasha..'

A few seconds passed and the door opened 'I really need to lock that' I took a mental note. I rolled over on the floor looking up at the door. I didn't care if I died right now I felt hopeless.

"(YN)" a meek voice called out to me


She opened the door fully "I need t-to -talk" she hiccuped.

"Come in" I stood up, she hugged me instantly "(YN)"

"Mikasa?" We sat down, she fidgeted with her scarf.

"How are you so close with him?" She bit her lip

"Eren and I aren't that close"

"He trusts you, whenever he's going through something he goes to you (YN)!" I could hear the frustration in her voice

I let out a sigh "Mikasa...even though he comes to me we don't talk much, I have no idea what's going on in his head" my hand covers hers "he's a mystery to me, you however are always there with him and- I know you like him"

Her eyes shifted "he's changed and not in a good way" she explained to me what happened and how Sasha died.

I wasn't sure if I could see Eren the same way.

"I still love him" her eyes watered. She held onto me tighter, her words although not surprising, hurt me but I brushed it off. "He'll probably be here tonight tell him to come back we have plans that need to be discussed" she got up

"I'll make sure"

And with that, she was gone.

Hate feeling alone Eren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now