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The water dripped from the metal tap.

I stood there watching his reflection in the mirror. He finally showed up as I was getting ready to sleep. His emerald eyes glowed in the dim light.

"I can't have you hate me too (YN)" he spoke softly

"Eren- I"

"I can see it on your face" he stepped forward his hands barely touching my waist. I kept my eyes on him. "I don't even know what to say to you" I brushed his hand off, walking over to my bed. "Your actions were so fucking selfish but-" I sat down. He came over kneeling before me taking my hand in his.

"I can't seem to bring myself to hate or blame you!"

He raised forward "(YN)-"

My back now laying flat on the bed. Those eyes that held so much power staring right into my soul. I felt his hand run up my thigh to my waist. "I don't think I could live with my self If you hated me (YN).." his lips much closer to my own, his breath tickling my skin. "I lov-"

"We can't" I breathed out no matter how much I wanted it to happen.

"We've kissed before, or did you actually forget? That was my way of telling you what you mean to me" his hand caresses my waist.

"I know- I know Eren" I held his face

"But she's in love with you and she's my- our friend"

His brows knotted "tell me you don't feel the same and I'll stop"

Before I could speak our lips connected for the second time but it felt like the first.

My stomach fluttered "tell me" he stopped

".." he kissed me again this time I let him in.

It became more intense and before I knew it "Eren" I moaned. A wave of embarrassment took over me, his hand found its way to my breast "(YN)" his voice raspy in my ear.

"Stop" my skin was hot, I couldn't breathe. I gently pushed him off.

"I'm sorry Eren, I just can't do this to Mikasa" I fixed my clothes

"Who cares what Mikasa thinks about us, she'll get over it"

"I care Eren! it seems like you've lost that part of yourself!"


"Have you ever considered how this would change our friendship? Mikasa was here today, and the look on her face when she saw your clothes... if something more happened between us I'm sure she would have killed me"

"Fine" he spoke after a long pause

"Fine? That's is?" I asked, he was already on his way downstairs.

"If you're going to choose Mikasa over me then...so be it"

"I'm not choosing her-"

"Yes, you are!" he practically shouted

"All I'm doing is considering her feelings Eren!" I grabbed for his hand but he snatched it away

"(YN) do you think if the roles were reversed Mikasa would think twice about how you feel about me?"


"Is this really about Mikasa or is it something else?"

I stayed silent once again, he walked out.

"What's wrong with me?" or maybe I was just scared of what could happen. The first time we kissed was 2 months ago in this same room...he had pulled me up here saying he had something to show me.

"Close your eyes" he smiled

"Why?" I raised a brow, now I was very curious as to what this surprise was.

"Just do it" his voice a little shaky

"You sound nervous" I let out a light laugh closing them "that's because I am, just stay still"

I felt his presence grow closer "I'm not the best with words when it comes to things like this so I'll show you"

My heart was beating a mile a minute 'what does he mean by that?'

He pressed softly against my lips, it took me by surprise but I instantly melted into him. His body against mine as he leaned in.

We parted and he ran a hand through his hair "they're probably wondering where I am" he spoke, I couldn't even interject. He left me standing there confused and flustered. And then 2months passed and I didn't see him again till yesterday. I had never viewed Eren in that way prior but during those months, my feelings for him grew deeper and blossomed.

The sensation of his hands on my body could still be felt although it brought excitement within me another side of me wasn't ready.

And I ended up pushing him away

A/N: ❤️

Hate feeling alone Eren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now