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"No" he held the side of his head knowing he was too late.
His worst fear was coming true...seeing you with another man. 
'Aksel?' He heard you call his name. There was something about him that didn't sit right with Eren. The way he spoke as if they had crossed paths before...

Eren halted looking to the side of him where Mikasa stood.
"Mikasa" his brows knotted
"Eren-" her back was forced against the wall and a blade held at her neck.
"Why were you at (YN)'s house" he tightened his grip on her. Mikasa realised that he had taken the blade out of her pocket.
Her eyes drifted off to the side "to talk" her voice small.
"Mikasa" his mouth at her ear "I'll tell you this once. If you so much as lay a finger on (YN) I'll kill you"

Eren dropped the blade.

Never would he have thought her feelings for him would drive her that far. But he also understood her as he would kill for you. He would be lying to himself if he said the thought never crossed his mind about Aksel.

He wouldn't even hesitate.

Armin was walking back to his room when he caught them.
He watched from afar.
Eren shut his room door and Mikasa stood there looking at the floor.
Their friendship was falling apart.

Back in Eren's room he laid on his bed staring at the ceiling.

"go ahead show (YN) what a true monster you are-"
The words looped in his head.
He didn't deny it, he was a monster...
Maybe he wasn't the one for you
To love you in the way you needed
Have a family and grow old with.

Rolling on his side, there was one thing he was sure about;
Aksel was not to be trusted.

(YN) house

"Eren" his name left my lips. I reached for the door handle to call him back. I didn't want things to end like this.

The smell of the burning bread snapped me out of it.
I rushed over to the oven taking out the brunt loaf.
"(YN)?" Aksel rubbed my shoulder, "it's just bread no need to cry"
He wiped the tears away, I didn't even realise I was.
"Or is it because of him?"
From my shoulder, his hand moves to my lower back he gently tilts my head up so I was forced to look at him.
"I can make you forget about him" he presses his lips against mine. I froze for a second not sure how to react but I allowed it wanting to distract myself.

My lips ajar wanting him to slip in but he didn't "save the rest for after dinner" he pulls apart, guiding me by the hand to the table.

The meats, rice, and sides decorated the table. "This- I've never seen this much food. It smells incredible!" He licked his lips, digging straight in.
A small chuckle escaped my lips at his reactions to the food. I myself began to eat then I realised I hadn't brought out the beer.
"Aksel do you like Engle?" I got up going to the fridge
I looked over my shoulder "Engle Hefeweizen"
"Uhh-I'm not sure I know what that is"
I stood up straight "you've never heard of Engle Hefeweizen beer?"
Aksel put his fork down.
Everyone here knew about this beer it was the most popular one we have.

"Ohh! my bad" he laughs "yes! of course, how could I forget! We also drank this at the bar right-  I'll have some"
I cracked the lid off pouring it into a glass. I set both glasses down.
My food stared back at me, I suddenly didn't have the appetite to eat.

"Not hungry?" He questioned. I shook my head.
"Aksel...why did you approach me that day?- That day at the graveyard?"
"What do you mean?"
"Did you approach me trying to get to Eren?"  The distaste he had for Eren wasn't normal
"(Y-YN) I came to you because the second my eyes laid upon you, your beauty captured me" he now stood before me. "Trust me when I say, you knowing him was a coincidence"
I wanted to believe this was but how he acted earlier told me something different.
I wasn't going to let him hurt Eren and if playing along will prevent it I will.

Hate feeling alone Eren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now