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Levi couldn't sleep no matter how hard he tried. He figured one more walk around should do it.

A cold chill ran through the dark halls. It was only at night could he appreciate some silence and really clear his head. Turning the corner he heard footsteps. 'Which one of those brats are awake at this time?' He stopped mid-way peeking around.

'Mikasa?' She closed her door carefully, Levi kept watching until she came to Eren's door.

Levi's eyebrows raised 'ohh'

It wasn't like he could scold them for this as they were grown now. However, he did make a mental note to have a little chat with Eren in the morning. 


Thoughts swirled around Eren's head, your face populating them. Among those being your eyes, he could always tell how you felt just by gazing into them. Your lips and how they fit perfectly against his.

His mind wondered further down remembering that night where you laid underneath him. It was the first time he touched you like that. He memorised the curve from your hips to your waist and how soft your breast felt in his hand. He longed to touch you again, he knew exactly where and how. The way you said his name filled with lust brought his member awake... it had been a week since he saw you, he expected to see you running in here after Armin told you about Mikasa but you didn't.

Eren's ears perked at the sound of his room door opening, he kept his eyes closed, he knew it could only be Mikasa.

He didn't expect her to get in his bed "Eren" she shifted closer. Eren opened his eyes facing her, the moonlight from the window was enough to see her flushed face.

He didn't speak.

Her cold fingertips touched his bare chest. He kept eye contact as her fingers traveled lower to the spot which was already hard thinking about you.

She let out a satisfied breath "E-Eren let me do this for you"
His lips parted as she stroked him, he didn't know if he could truly enjoy this as he wanted it to be you.
She pulled him out enabling her to stroke his length better.
Her eyes glued to him, she relished this, his soft moans were music to her ears. She fastened her pace , Eren's eyes half shut. Now all she needed was for him to say her name. His breathing became staggered.
"Fuck..(YN)" he came onto her hand.

He looked at her unfazed fixing his boxers. She laid there in disbelief of what she heard.

Eren rolled over going to sleep.


Levi knocked on Eren's door
"come in"
Eren was fixing his hair.
"Had a goodnight's sleep?" Levi smirked, Eren glanced at him for a second "not really"
"Well, first times aren't always the best-"
"First?- I didn't sleep with Mikasa" Eren corrected wondering how he knew.
"Considering how many times I've walked into the showers hearing you call out to (YN) I'm not surprised and I demand you to keep it to your bedroom"
Eren sat on his bed, he knew those long showers were risky.

"Oi! If you want her that much go see her!"
"We're not speaking right now"
"What did you do to fuck it up Eren"
"Wait- I didn't even do anything?!"
"Right...tell me what happened" Levi folded his arms sitting on the edge of the desk waiting for Eren to speak.

"We were making out and it was getting more i-intense, she told me to stop because she didn't want to hurt Mikasa"
"And you believe that?"
"No- I don't know"
"Eren can't you see that (YN) is scared?"
"Scared about what?" Eren was trying hard to remember what he did to make you that way.

Levi rolled his eyes "if you and (YN) are ready to have sex you have to make her feel comfortable Eren. You two need to sort this shit out I'm tired of seeing you mopping around here"

Eren jumped from the bed, It finally clicked.
"You can sort that shit out later, now we have work to do" Levi walked out.


"You keep staring at your hand?"
Mikasa looked up at her friend. "Are you hurt?" Armin asked.
"I'm fine I-I'm thinking" the Ackerman smiled to herself. Her bless full thinking of Eren's manhood was disrupted by the thought of you, how dare he call out your name when she was the one pleasuring Eren. Even when you're out of sight you seem to ruin her plans.
Her fist bawled "(YN)"
Armin knew something bad was going to happen.

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