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The days became shorter, passing by in a blur.
A blur that I found myself loped in.
and nauseous each time I woke.

I was standing in the mirror more often, observing my body. The growing life in me becoming more apparent as the days turned into months.

I could hear my mother's voice 'you're too young! How could you?!" and then she'll calm down and wrap her arms around me, telling me it would be okay.
She probably thinks I'm crazy for accepting the ring.

I miss her

Dad too

Although I think he wouldn't be as mad about the engagement, he liked Eren. He would be more stressed about how I would take care of the baby.

"Mum, Dad what should I do?"

I've asked myself that almost daily.

It wasn't easy, I cried most nights, even when I went to get my checkups. Seeing the other mothers with their partners.

And there I was pregnant, and alone.

Then 4 months had passed.

It wasn't  the nausea that woke me this time.
But the four men standing over me....

A splash of cold water hit my face.
My eyes fluttered open to a dark space with a figure greyed out.
It was hard to breathe. "Wha?" My head was spinning.
"Oi!" The figure clicked his fingers.

"where am I?"
"My house (YN)"
"Aksel?" I recognised his voice.
"It's been a while (YN), did you miss me?" I felt his callous fingers on my face. "Wake up!" shaking me. Blinking a few times, his face becoming clearer.

"Nononono" I twisted my body to get out of the ropes holding me to the chair.
Aksel sat opposite with an empty chair beside him. He leaned on his leg, holding a glass of brown liquor. A smug look as he swirled the glass.

"I've made some renovations, right now where in the basement" rising his arms up as if I should congratulate him. "Made it just for this. At first, I was debating if should carry this out, because no matter how hard I try I just can't let you go" he took a sip "but now you carry that devil's child in you" his jaw clenched. "I no longer care anymore"

"(YN)" he dragged the chair against the wooden floor closer. "Don't move around too much, there's a wire connected to your chair... what's attached to it? Could be a bomb? or a gun?" His voice turning hysterical at the end.
He strolled around in a circle sipping slowly at his drink.

The lamps lit the room enough to see it was bare.
I wasn't able to move my neck freely to see what was attached to the chair behind me. The rope stretched across my body.

"Aksel please...let me go, is it even worth it anymore?"
"Worth it?" He shot me a death glare "I don't think I told you this but Eren was the one who killed my family" the glass in his hand cracked "yes it's fucking WORTH IT!" The glass shattered as it hit the wall.
"It's like you don't know the man?! How much blood he's spilled" he pulled my weight up from the chair "Marley is in fucking ruins right now" he dropped me.

My eyes darted to the side, the chair definitely moved but nothing happened...
'Was he bluffing?'


He couldn't help but walk faster as he neared your house.
It had been too long
Way too long.

He wanted to greet you with flowers, a bunch of them. He thought the gesture would be sweet and also an apology for his absence. It wasn't possible with the night sky above, no shops were open so he settled on an overdue kiss.

There were a lot of things on his mind that was overdue.
He couldn't wait to hold you, see your face and hear you call his name.

Finally the both of you together.

The door to your house was slightly open.
"(YN)?" Eren pushed it. The air was cold and sent an unnerving shiver up his spine. "(YN)!"

A pair of heavy boots walked out from the kitchen, gun aimed at Eren. He was about to bite his hand when he felt steel at the back of his skull. More men appeared out of the shadows guns raised.

The man in front of Eren came forward he had ash-blonde hair and brown eyes. "Captain Aksel has ordered us to escort you to his residence"
Eren's face darkened "Oh?" A sinister grin spreading across his face.

They held their guns to his neck, surrounding him.
"Try anything and (YN)'s dead"
Eren lowered his hand.

"I thought you would be smarter than to leave your girlfriend vulnerable especially for 4 months" the blonde spoke leading the way.

Eren listened to them laugh as they escorted him through the streets.

"Who said I did?" Eren stared the blonde in the eyes. The man's eyes widened "he's obviously lying!-"
"I'm I?" Eren interrupted

They came to a stop, Eren watched all of them "you really think I would leave the person I care about most exposed?"

"There hasn't been any-"
"Any what? Anything suspicious, out of the ordinary? HAHA. You fucking Marleyan scum think you can hide out here on our island and fuck with us?!" Eren grabbed him, the blonde's face in horror.
The other soldiers threaten to shoot Eren on the spot.

"I had scouts watching your every movement, they were dressed in regular clothing so of course you didn't notice shit." Eren raised his hand in the air,  signalling gunshots. The sound of bullets passing through flesh filled the space around them. The Marley soldiers dropped like flies.

"Day in day out, the same faces passed by her house but I guess you were too engrossed with watching her bedroom to notice" Eren slammed the man to the ground.
"Ohh? Did you think they wouldn't tell me that?" Eren seeing him freeze in shock
Eren's fist collided with the man's nose breaking it.
"I didn't say you could speak" Eren punched him again, and again. He didn't care how much the man begged for him to stop he continued until his knuckles were dripping in blood.

Eren stood up, relaxing his fist, satisfied with the red on his skin. He kicked the man's body out of the way.

Aksel was next.

Hate feeling alone Eren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now