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"I'm proud of you Eren" Armin handed back the small velvet pouch to Eren.
"That means more than you know" Eren placed it inside his jacket.

"You should go to her now, we leave soon" Mikasa spoke.
"You're right" he left them in the meeting room and went to your house.

He stood outside the door his hand placed on it. This could be the last time he steps foot here.
He didn't knock
There wasn't any time for that
He secretly thought it was best this way, he didn't trust himself to leave.

He placed the velvet pouch at the doorstep.

"I love you (YN)"

And he was gone.


I watched the clock
The hours flew by as I waited for him. Then I realised he wasn't coming.

He was really gone.

"Please make it back alive Eren"

Before I went to sleep something called me to the door.
"Eren?" Looking out into the night there was no one there. I noticed a small object by my feet.
"Huh?" It was soft to touch. I sat on the couch the light from the lamp highlighting it.

There was a folded piece of paper inside. It read:

'Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do this in person,
but I hope you understand why.
Inside is something that has been on my mind from the moment I fell in love with you.

If anyone was to ask when that was I would say the time we first met. Even if I didn't understand it then, I knew what I felt for you was more than friendship.

(YN) I haven't been the easiest to deal with and I'm sorry for everything I put you through even the hurt your feeling now.

Just know that I cherish you (YN), I wouldn't have been able to get this far without you.

If I don't make it back (YN) promise me you'll find love again and be happy.

I'll always be with you as you'll be for me.

I love you (YN)'

Eren Yeager

I folded the letter back before it got soiled from me crying. My heart melted at his words. I could feel something inside the pouch but I couldn't see it.
I got scissors and cut the lining.

My heart stopped

The sliver band glimmered in the amber of the lamp. The familiar crystals sat perfectly at the top. "Eren it's beautiful" I slid it on my finger.
"You better get back in one piece so I can tell you yes!"

The ring looks something like this:

The ring looks something like this:

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With a silver band

"For a man going to war you're smiling?" Levi raised a brow.
"Did something happen Eren?" Armin added
"No, I just have a good feeling"

A/N: 🤍

Hate feeling alone Eren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now