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The house was quiet.
It was odd being here without you.
Eren's mind played the memories of you before him.

The memory of when he first came back on that rainy night.

He knew he was being audacious coming straight to you after leaving without an explanation. He thought you would slap him, punch him- anything but you didn't.

Instead, you allowed him in.

That single moment of acceptance or rather forgiveness lead both of you to this point.

But he didn't want it to end here.

He walked around for a bit, his fingers tracing over the hard surfaces in the kitchen and then making his way to your room.

The sheets on the bed crumpled, evidence of you being taken away. Eren didn't go near it, he couldn't bring himself to. He decided to sleep on the couch downstairs.

A knock at the front door woke him up.
It was Armin.
Eren showered and left with him. Eren could see the blonde was nervous.
"What is it Armin?" Eren focused on the walk ahead of them.
"Um... can I ask you something?"

"What does the name Emma mean?" Armin had an idea but wanted to confirm it.
"The name of my daughter" saying that made Eren smile. "(YN) told me while I was blacked out"
"How is that possible?" Armin's mind ticked away
"Not sure, but sometimes I hear her in my head..." Eren thought back to the last time you did and it ended up being the night Emma was conceived.

He also remembered the voice he heard before going to Aksel's house. "Sorry... for leaving you all alone, Eren" was that also you?

"Have you ever thought about what (YN) is?"
Eren's eyes widened at Armin's words
"What are you getting at?"
They faced each other now.

"Isn't it strange that she can reach you telepathically? She might not even be aware of it. Do you think she can physically see and talk to you in your subconscious?" Armin rubbed his chin.
Eren didn't know how to respond.

"You feel it don't you?" The blonde's voice became quiet. He placed his hand on his heart. "Whenever she's upset, hurt, angry, or happy..."
"How do you think we got to the hospital last night. I could tell something was wrong"

The wind blew the hair away from Eren's face.
He couldn't deny there was a special connection.
As far as Eren understood, you didn't communicate with Armin the same way you did with him.
With Eren you spoke directly to him but with Armin it was through your emotions.

"What does all of this mean?" Eren asked
"I'm not sure but there's more to (YN) than we know" Armin had a theory that maybe you had a unique bloodline but there wasn't any way to prove this plus your parents were dead.

The only way to be sure is to wait for you to wake up.
"Can we not mention this to the others" Eren didn't want word to spread.

Outside your hospital room, Mikasa sat waiting.
"Morning Mikasa" Armin waved.
Eren noticed Jean wasn't with her.
"Morning Armin"
"Where's Jean?" The blonde asked
"He's still upset, he'll come when he's calmed down" Mikasa brought an apple out of her pocket. "Eat" she gave it to Eren.

Eren took it "I shouldn't have spoken to you that way last night"
"Don't worry about it Eren" she walked inside the room.
Eren also noticed the absence of the red scarf he gave her.
She really was serious about Jean.

Eren bit down into the apple.

Inside the hospital room, you were still unconscious. Eren brought a chair next to your bed.
He thought about what Armin said.
Was it really possible?
He held your hand, rubbing his thumb against it.
'Speak to me please (YN)' Eren's eyes were closed. He focused his thoughts on you.
'Please (YN)'

Nothing happened.

There wasn't a day that went by that Eren didn't visit you.
He would bring flowers and water the previous ones he brought. Your room looked like a flower boutique.
He would read to you and talk to you for hours.
Some days he would cry and other days not say a word.

He never gave up hope until one night...
While he was sleeping he found himself in a large field. Clear skies and an ocean before him. The field was littered with lilac flowers and the air was sweet.
'Is this real?' He could feel the air on his skin.

Eren turned to his left seeing you standing next to him.
"Hey (YN)" his eyes watered.
"It feels good to talk to you" you placed a hand on his chest. "And-" you leaned forward kissing him.
Before you could part your lips, Eren kept you in place "I'm not done yet" he whispered.
He kissed you softly savouring this moment.

"You brought me here...how?" He asked

You sat on the grass patting the space beside you.
Eren sat placing his arm around you, your head resting on his chest.
"I honestly don't know how, at first I thought you appeared in my dreams on purpose but now I realise I've been the one reaching out to you." You observed your hand. "I guess we'll never know"

"What do you mean?"
A part of Eren knew something wasn't right.

"Thank you, Eren" you looked up at him. "For everything"
"Don't say that (YN)"
"I mean it-"
"That's not a thank you, that's a goodbye" Eren could hear it in your voice. "Tell me thank you when you wake up"

You let out a short breath glancing over at the sea.
"What about our plans for the future? You're going to throw that away?!"
"I didn't decide this Eren, I'm trying my best to hold on for you and Emma but- I'm dying... and I don't want to! I want to be with you and have a family and so many other things!" Pain in your voice. "I'm not ready to let go" you cried into his chest, Eren cradled you.

"Then let's enjoy this time we have left" Eren running his fingers through your hair. He wanted to scream out his frustration but there was nothing he could do.

The weight of you became lighter.

"No...wait (YN)" he could see you starting to fade.
"Eren" you joined your lips together one last time.
"Stay..a bit longer please" he held onto your hand. Your body becoming translucent. "(YN)...I love you, I love y-you so muc-h"

"I love you too, let's meet again someday" the tips of your fingers touched his face before you faded away. 

"Sorry... for leaving you all alone, Eren"

Eren inhaled sharply, coughing. His surroundings changed he was back at your house.

He touched his face it was damp from his tears "(YN)"
Eren ran, he didn't want to believe it to be true.
When he got to your room, seeing the doctor and the nurses hovering over you it became real.

"Mr. Yeager" the doctor's tone was low. Eren knew what he was going to say. He brushed past him.
"Leave us alone"
The nurses and doctor left the room.

It had been a long journey and he wished he could've spent more time with you.
There were a million things he wanted to say.
But there wasn't anything he could say that would convey how he felt.

He knew he didn't want to live anymore
Without you what was the point?

He hated feeling alone.

The funerals held for you and Emma came quicker than Eren was ready for, the sky was grey as rain poured down from the heavens.
Eren's heart remained clouded years after, until it was his turn to depart. He met you again in that field.
Where the sky was never grey and the flowers forever flourished.

"Eren" your voice caught his ear. There you were waiting for him.
"(YN)" he held your hand
"Let's go"


A/N: thank you guys for reading ❤️
I hope this story wasn't confusing.
I tried my best💫

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