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Of course expectation differed from reality.

He was planning for war and you were with another man.


Aksel took a handful of my hair pulling me off the table forcing me to sit down.
"I'll fucking kill you- I swear!" I gritted my teeth.
blood smeared across my face from his cut hand "shut up and listen" he used his belt to tie me to the chair.

He loomed over me "I put that key there in hopes you would leave with me. Obviously, it was stupid of me to think you would pick me over Eren." He titled my jaw up so I would look him in the eyes. "You are going to shower, put your clothes on and return to your home. You will not act in any way that will alert your friends." His now body level with mine "I hope you didn't think I came here alone?" His lips by my ear "I have men watching your house, I hear what's going on inside your home too" I could feel him smile against me, my skin crawled. "It seems Eren and Armin have been watching over you too, so I suggest you act like your usual self (YN)"

"It's a shame" Aksel's thumb ran over my lips spreading blood like paint over my skin. "I really like you- no I think I'm in love with you. Yes! That's it!" his lips on mine, rough and hard. He undid the belt kicking the chair back. I let out a pained scream
"go clean your self up"

I got up slowly my body aching, just yesterday I was with a totally different version than the one standing before me.

The water from the shower drowned out my thoughts. What I saw in the mirror didn't seem real it was a shell of me covered in a man's blood.
For the first time, I truly understood what it meant to protect someone.
Put my life at risk for another's just because I cared for them.

I would do anything to protect him even if it meant I would die...
because I love him.

That didn't mean I wasn't scared.
I was terrified.
But I realize that Eren would do the same for me in a heartbeat.

Now back in my own home laying in my bed.
Even with the blood washed away I could still feel it on my skin, the coppery smell filling my nostrils.
My stomach churned just from the thought.

'What if I did kill him?' I wouldn't  know what to do with myself.
I curled up under the covers, I felt like a hostage in my own home. Paranoid of people who I couldn't even see.
Didn't utter a single word, scared of them listening in.

The night sky replaced the evening.
The house creaked with the bustling wind.

There he was again standing so far away.
"Eren" I called but my voice was mute.
Again and again, I called for him

I need you Eren

My body moving inch by inch trying to reach him. When I finally caught up I wrapped my arms around him, his eyes were closed but there was no life in him.

He looked peaceful and was surprisingly warm. I held him tighter imaging his own around me.

"Eren wake up!"
"Don't leave me" tears moisten his shirt.


He shot up from his bed.
The air in his room cold from the open window.
'(YN)?' He was sure it was you he heard call his name.
"(YN)!" he quickly got to his feet putting on pants he grabbed his jacket.

Something wasn't right he could feel it.
And he'll be damned if he let anything happen to you.

'Fuck!' What if- what if you're not okay?
'Hurt...dead?! No way don't even think that!'
He replayed your voice in his head you sounded afraid.
He ran as fast as his legs could take him.
The middle of the night his skin freezing he didn't care as long as you were safe and with him.
Without you what would be the point in living?.

One knock and then another his mind getting the better of him thinking the worst.
He heard you on the other side of the door.
"Who is it?" Your voice meek.
The door opened, the both of you staring at each other as if it's been 10 years.

"I'm here now"


Hate feeling alone Eren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now