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"Shall we have dessert?" Aksel extends his hand to me. I take it and he pulls me in.
"So sweet and fragile" the back of his hand caresses my cheek.
"Don't worry" his touch was light, his hands danced around my back pushing me against his toned chest.
Our lips connected his tongue glazing my bottom lip asking to be let in.
My fingers ran through his soft black hair feeling his tongue explore. We somehow ended up on the couch. "(YN)" heavy breathing filled the room.
His blue eyes seemed softer. "Do you still trust me?" He searched my eyes. "I see" he noted my silence. The warmth of his body left me.

"This isn't how I imagined our first date would go. The thing is I really like you (YN) and I'm afraid that I've scared you away" glancing at me in the corner of his eye his voice was quiet.
"No- you haven't" I pulled on the fabric of his shirt, he leaned back over me. I needed him to trust me as well if this was going to work. "I was just surprised that's all" I smiled "there's always a second and third date" I whispered on his lips.
His large hands ran along my exposed thighs. I knew where this could lead to. Every touch of his brought me back to a time that I tried so hard to box away.

My head spun as my skin boils
I feel small and empty.

But I try to push through.
"Huh?" My eyes shoot open, Aksel grabbing my wrist.
"Are you alright? You're shaking" he sits up giving me space.
"Yes- I'm fine" I fix my hair.
"I think we should call it a night" kissing me lightly on the forehead.
"I'll come and check on you tomorrow"
I gave a nod and a smile "Night Aksel"

Just like that the house was still
I was alone once again
I laid back staring at the ceiling.
There was one way I knew I could get information out of men and that was through sex.
They will sing like a canary if you knew the tricks.
Men were easy like that.
As I suspected I wouldn't be able to go through with that without reliving a past memory.
I rolled onto my side.
Now I was left with option B
One that I wasn't sure if I could do...


The sun was in full glory and the birds chirped across the sky, a pleasant feeling contrary of what Eren felt as he surveyed your house.

He stood a good distance away in a small alley between two houses. It was the next day after his encounter with Aksel.
He watched the dark-haired man approach your door. After the first knock, you appeared in front of him. Eren took in your appearance and like every time he saw you his heart beats a little faster, and his throat becomes dry.

You were absolutely breathtaking to him.

Aksel was standing too close for Eren's comfort, his eyes widened when you locked lips with Aksel.
He wanted to run over there and tear him away from you. He decided against it.
His hands relaxed and he took a deep breath.
You walked alongside Aksel "where are they going?" Eren spoke aloud.
"Who?" The voice came from behind him.
The blonde tilted his head to the side trying to see who Eren was watching and he landed on you.
"You know stalking isn't a good look Eren"
"It's not what you think I'm-I'm" he didn't have to explain anything to Armin it wasn't his business.
"(YN)'s a tuff girl she can look after herself" the blonde folded his arms. "You're worried about Aksel right?"
Eren faced his shorter friend "you know him?!"
"How?" Eren grabbed Armin's shirt.

"Eren" he placed his hand on him. Eren let go calming down.
"In passing, I've never spoken to him however (YN) mentioned him to me a few times. Just to be safe I trailed him and found out where he lives"
"You did?" Eren was glad he wasn't the only one wary of Aksel.
"Of course, we've made so many enemies we have to be careful. Most importantly (YN) is our friend, I wouldn't let anything happen to her" Armin pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket.

Eren blamed himself.
"Here." Armin handed over the paper "it's the address"
"We have a meeting in 10 let's head back" Armin pulled Eren along knowing if he didn't he would probably be following you all day.
"Eren" his voice low "she cares for you...a lot" he looked up seeing Eren's saddened expression.
"I know"
Armin couldn't understand why Eren acted the way he did.
"Promise me this time you'll go and see her before we leave again"
Eren looked at him briefly. How much did you tell Armin? Knowing him he probably figured it out by himself. 


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