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This story line doesn't fully follow the MCU according to the movies....
I feel like i gotta say that again. I hope you enjoy!
Also i will add Authors notes if needed at the beginning of chapters for anything that might be heavy or smutty.


     Graduation should of been a cheerful time but instead you walked the stage without anyone cheering your name because you had no one. Of course there was polite applause from the staff and students but no mother or father in the stands screaming loudly for you. Which you were use to at this point. The last graduation you had with your mother in attendance was when you were eighteen, when you receive your first college degree for aerodynamic engineering and the last time you spoke to your mother.

During the graduation mixer your mother started a fight with the dean causing everyone to stare more than normal. Usually it was because you were high school age attending a university but that time was worse. Your mother suffered from severe schizophrenia and at the time of that graduation your mother thought the dean of the university was trying to take her to aliens. Watching her punch him square in the jaw was the sign you needed that she was more than you could handle.

You were an eighteen year old prodigy like she was when she was your age but you weren't equipped to help her. By the time she was 24 she carried multiple PhD's ranging from power and nuclear engineering to mathematics but as her mental health faltered, there were times she couldn't even remember to shower daily or that you were her daughter. She became trapped inside her mind that was turning against her.

So after that you helped her find an institution that was able to care for her and you left for the officers program with the Marines to help pay for the bills and your future schooling. It all seemed so long ago now.

Today you received your doctorate in Psychology from Columbia University in New York City. A major you picked because of your mother and major that was paid for by your time in the Marine Corps. You hoped one day you could help her. Every choice you made was for her.

Walking past families and fellow graduates all taking pictures of each other, laughing and congratulating each other you pulled off you cap and gown and made your way off campus and towards the subway. The monthly check you received from your time in the military wasn't enough to afford a place in the city or near campus so each day you had hiked it from Brooklyn.

"Doctor l/n!" You noticed one of your professors jogging to catch up with you as you made your way through the courtyard of campus.

Doctor. It was weird hearing someone call you it for the first time.

"Professor Greenwood. What can I do for you?" You turned to him smiling. He was your favorite professor, he was also one of the only professor who knew why you chose psychology instead of any other degree you could of easily gotten.

"Have you decided where you were going to accept a position at?" He looked to you over his round rimmed glasses. Some of the students had called him professor Harry Potter.

While you were in your last semester of school hospitals, research facilities and firms all over the country had sent you job offers. Every single one wants you to come and do research for them or work for them but none would allow you to research the topic of your choice. They only wanted you because you had been a prodigy.

"No Sir, none of them worked with schizophrenia patients or would allow me to continue my research there." You told him readjusting your heavy bag that was filled with your years worth of research on it.

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