Month one

625 13 8

These next chapters will be broken up in time sometimes months or years but it will go through y/n during the snap.

While you were numb in the wake of the snap none of you stopped looking for Thanos. You didn't let yourself mourn because all you needed was to find the stones and Thanos and bring everyone back. There had been no radio transmission from your father since he called you the day of the battle. You didn't even know if he had survived the snap.

You had been in his lab running every system and back up system FRIDAY had to offer trying to track his suit or Peters but nothing ever came up. You couldn't even begin to figure out how to find Thanos, he was from a world you knew nothing about. Right now you could really use a miracle.

The compound began to shake as you ran out of the lab running into a freshly shaved Steve before darting out onto the lawn to see a ship being floated down to the lawn. You weren't sure you was in it, glancing back to Pepper you could only hope it was your father.

The ramp lowered as a blue woman held up your sickly looking father walking him down the ramp. Steve ran up grabbing ahold of Tony.

"we lost, I lost the kid." Tony muttered. Your eyes swelled up knowing that he meant Peter.

"I know, we lost...."Steve choked on the words as Tony's eyes darted up looking for you and Pepper. A wash of relief came over him as he spotted you both.

You couldn't believe how fragile he felt as you hugged him. He was on death doorstep as you helped him into the house and began an IV drip on him. Tony watched you curiously as you couldn't come to speak any words. Everything just hurt too much and in your silence Tony knew what you had lost.


The next day Bucky's photograph was on the screen along with countless others, you were still getting in reports of the missing. It didn't matter though. There was nothing you could do to fix it at this point.

"Where is he now?" Your father asked still hooked up to the IV you had gotten him the night before.

"He just walked through a portal." Steve shook his head, it had been twenty three days since the snap and we were nowhere closer to finding him than when we started.

Your eyes couldn't leave the screen of flashing faces as Steve and Tony started into a blame game, each time the list wrapped around and you saw a picture of Bucky you couldn't help but wonder if that's the same picture you'd use for an obituary. At this point you were so drained of trying to find hope that being in the compound was suffocating. You wished the snap had taken you instead. You were forcing yourself through the stages of grief each day and you didn't know how much more you could take.

The only thing snapping yourself out of this was watching your dad start to collapse from exhaustion, you pushed Rhodes aside grabbing ahold of your father helping him back into his chair.


You sat next to Steve listening to Nebula talk about Thanos's story and his perfect plan after he rid half the universe of creatures. you could;not held but feel sorry for her, the trauma she carried was deep rooted from being Thanos's daughter.

"When Thanos snapped his fingers earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions. No one has seen anything like it until two days ago." Rocket pulled a new map up of a similar molecular explosion as the one in Wakanda.

"He used the stones again." You muttered under your breath.

"So we take them and use them to bring everyone back." Carol chimed in.

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