Run and Hide

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Running through the hills, wind in my face. 

Running to get away from this place. 

Look up to the sky and ask for help.

But nothing's left of what I once felt. 

Running away from the one who chases me. 

Running away till I can’t see. 

They’re always one step behind. 

I run but I can’t hide. 

I run till there’s no one around. 

I run till I can’t hear the sound. 

Of their footsteps one step behind me. 

I run till I can’t breathe. 

I can’t keep this up for long. 

I pray for them to be gone. 

They hunt me down, Gun in their hand.  

Why did I step foot on their land? 

I cant run, no I can’t hide. 

I’ll run till I die. 

Build a wall and enforce it now. 

Keep building till it drowns out the sound

Of their feet hitting the sand. 

They’re trying to take over my land.

So I run till I’m out of reach. 

But they’re quickly gaining on me. 

I run and I know I’m about to die. 

I can believe this is where forever I’ll lie. 

I can’t run anymore. 

They’ve broken down the doors. 

I try to run and try to hide. 

But they found me, they know my lies.

I can’t run cause now they’ve got me. 

Shall I live? There’s no guarantee. 

I wish to run but I’m pinned down. 

They’ve got my face pressed to the ground. 

I scream but no one's listening. 

The silence is absolutely crippling.

I scream and want to run. 

But pressed to my head is their gun. 

I quiet down just enough. 

I shouldn’t be pushing my luck. 

I knew this would be the end at last. 

Their chasing got me pinned down fast. 

I’m caught and tied down. 

They’ve finally got me now. 

The demons scream inside my head. 

They’re the ones that caught me instead. 

There’s no one chasing me. 

Now I can just finally be someone who’s alive and free. 

I don’t have to run, I don’t have to hide. 

All the demons are on the inside. 

They can’t pin me down.

Not unless I let them out. 

I won’t run and I won’t hide. 

Now that my eyes are open wide.

I will stand my ground. 

Nothing can mess with me now. 


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Until next time!

Love, Caitlin

Love, Caitlin

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