Not enough to make them stay

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Going through an endless cycle.

Not seeing past my denial.

I'm going round and round.

Stuck on the ground.

No one cares if I'm past saving.

No one cares that I'm suffocating.

I beg and plead for anyone to care.

Tell me why there's no one there.

Not enough to make them stay.

Why does everyone run away?

What do I do to make them run?

I try to think of what I've done.

But I can't think, it's too loud.

Why is no one proud?

I haven't ended it all just yet.

It's just another day to fret.

I guess I'm just not enough.

For someone not to give up.

I guess they just see no point.

To have faith in someone that'll just disappoint.

It doesn't matter if I just want a friend.

They'll run away too in the end.

Add another crack to the mirror.

I already feel my death getting nearer.

Smile and laugh, they'll never know the difference.

They'll never know my resilience.

My faith is fading away.

Why does no one stay?

I know I'm not enough.

My whole life has always been this rough.

I try to push these feelings down.

At least until my next breakdown.



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