Chapter 6 ~ You did what?

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" YOU DID WHAT?" Lana almost  screamed as  her eyes were  wide open and her mouth was  almost touching the floor! To be honest I had forseen her reaction given the fact that Lana would never approve of what I did!

" Why are you so freaked out?!?! What Ruby did is not bad at all! She was sexually frustrated and Jai is smoking hot so it would be bizzare if they didnt fuck!!" Renata rushed to answer on my behalf presenting what happened last night  in Jai's car as something completely normal, leaving out the guilt that is torturing me!

" Still Ruby what you did was wrong if you want my opinion! You are my best friend and I adore you but what you did last night was absolutely wrong! What about Joyce? I am aware that you ..despise her due to the fact that she has done something simillar in the past with one of your ex-boyfriends but getting back at her this way..It is mean.." Lana said and drunk her coffe greedily

" well ..Frankly, having sex with Jai was not a way to get my revenge from my cousin! I couldnt care less what she thinks after the things she has done to me and the way she treats me! Jai and I happened without me even thinking twice about!Just a few of his kisses got me melting in his arms and I couldnt but  hope that sex is what we would be doing next! He has that effect on me that drives me insane! At first it was intriguing and overwhelming but now I am getting quite worried! If he can get me to have sex him in his car even though I have known for like a week, imagine how manipulative he can be over me!" I said worridly

" yeah that's true... You are so whipped!"

" Renata thats not a good thing!! Ruby you should be cautious other.." Lana didnt get to finish her sentence because Emily comes- runs - towards us and sits at the empty spot ont the beanch1

" you will never guess what happened!!" she exclaims and starts clapping her hands, letting high-pitched screams threatening our ear drams to explode!

"you won the lottery??"  Renata asked opening her eyes as wide as she could even though she knew that something like that would be impossible.

" even better!" Emily responded and carried on expressing her enthusiasm.

" you won 2 lotteries??"  

" noooo! Michael and I are back together!!" she squeeked  and we all cheered hugging her as tight as we could!

" that's greaat! How come??!" I asked patting her back.

" I couldnt cope without him and so did he so yesterday evening I broke and I went to his home without realising that I had nothing  to do or  to say but fortunately there was no awkwardness! The moment I opened the door he held me close to him and kissed me! We both apologised and  currently we couldnt be happier!" she replied! " and let me tell you : make-up sex is indeed tha best!" she whispered and we all started poking her.

" I would love to experience that!! I have never got in a fight with my guys because they never get to last more than a day or two maximum!!" Renata said sassily and plaid with her long brown hair!

" BOO YOU WHORE!:" Lana immitated Regina from Mean Girls  causing us to burst in laughter!

"well we  can do whatever we  want as long as we dont hurt anyone ,right??! It is driving me insane the fact that there are such discreminations between boys and girls! I mean boys who have sex at a relatively young age are considered legends and heroes while girls who might do the same thing are called sluts and whores! Guys that have sex with random girls without having a stable relationship with them are awsomne and shit while I am cosidered the easy A  because I fucked Jai without being his official girlfriend!! It is so unfair the way our sexual behavior is delt with!"  I was  so carried away by what I was saying that I didnt notice that the girls  were looking at me with a face that could be translated as : WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?

" She is right!! We have equal needs with the guys and we shouldnt try to surpress them dreading our image!!" Renata broke  the silence and raised her hand for me for a high-five!

"how are u going to call your new group that supports ouur right to sex without guilt??!" Emily laughed!

"Sluts ascended??" Lana suggests half mocking half judging us! " I am not throwing any shade on your actions regarding sex... It is that as far as I am concerned it is an action provoqued by love not just lust and hormonal impulses!" she added adopting an innocent-naive tone.

"why are we friends again??" Renata asked making us laugh.

We spent some more time chating about random things,teasing each other and chuckling when my phone vibrated indicated the arrival of a message!



I was anable to hold the phone steadily since my hands were shaking like crazy! The thought of what would happen if I replied positevily made my whole body to shake as if there was an earthquake, but would it be utterly wrong if I reapeated last night's events which could result in me falling for a guy like Jai??

"What is it ,let me see!!" Emily ordered and grabbed my phone violently!

"ooooooh you must be reeally goood if Jai is dedicating more than one night on you!" Renata said and poked me.

"what are you going to do??" Lana asked me with the look that showed how much she was hoping that I would decline his offer.

" I will do it!" I exclaimed!

"Correction: you will do him!" Emily responded wittily.

When and where?!


"whatev!" Lana sighed said after she watched my response.

My place the sooner the better!


I dont know where you live!!


You will find it...Follow your intsticts babe!


"Is he kidding me??!" I ask myself angrily and look at the mirror . I had returned to me house to wear something suitable for the occasion and to check my make up! What  does he mean?? How the hell am I supposed to find where his lives even though I have no clue on my hands!!??

Maybe it is just another of his stupid jokes! Maybe he is just messing with me  because he lacks anything better to do! I decided to ignore him and his stupid mind games so I chose to stay in and watch a movie or something!

The only thing that held me back from watching The Hunger Games for the 20th time this week was the the trash that I had to throw to the nearest bin!

I took the plastc bag and exited the house.The moment I stepped on the pavement I felt as if I had become completely numd and that I was anable to control what I was doing! I felt like I was lying on my bed while someone else was guiding me! I dropped the bag and started walking faster and faster towards a mystery location even though I was eagarly tried to resist this urge!

"where the hell am I going??" I yelled.

"drunk?" a guy who passed by me asked and laughed along with his friends.

I tried to get a hold of random branches so that I could stop myself from moving but it is pointless!

After a while which seemed like ages to me I found myself stopping in front of a classic white house with a huge lawn.Next to the house there is a small garage whose door is open revealing the unique car it is housing which is no other than Jai's!

"see I told you that you would find me!!" Jai appeared in front of me and kissed me passionantly making me feel alive agaian relieving me from the feeling that someone is controlling me!

I am sorry that this chapter is quite short but I didnt have time to write a longer one! SOOo do you agree with Ruby and do you approve of her choices?? What do you think is going on with Jai??

Thank you for the support and the love!! 

4 votes and 1 comment for the next chapter! <3 <3

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