Chapter 12~ It seems I lost

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Ruby's Pov:
I managed to get myself and Renata at my place after a lot of effort since I am not particularly fit,something that I intend to change after today's incidents!
Thank God mom wasnt at home and all her questions were avoided for now.
"Come here right now and tell Lana to do so too!!" I barked at Emily the first person that I thought of calling.
"RUUUUBY! Where have you been???Whats happening?!?!"Emily asked and sounded really worried.
"Its a very long and complicated story! I need you to come here and be ready to listen to some verg weird shit,ok????!"
"Ruby you are freaking me out...I will come as soon as possible and call Lana as well while you try to calm down,ok?" She said with her calming voice.
"Ok I have to go get ready...Clifford give me back my bra right now or it will be the last time you will see it seperated from my torso!!"
"Em....I think you forgot to turn your phone off.."
"Oooh...lets just forget about it.."
"Alright,see ya and DONT FORGET: turn your phone off!" I said trying to prevent myself from giggling.
"FUCK YOU!!" She semi-yelled and succesfully ended the phone call.
~ an hour later~
I heard the bell ring indicating that my friends are here!Fortunately they arrived together which meant that we dont have to wait for anyone and I will get to tell them all the weird things that occured today.....
"We are here!!" Lana anounced and she and Emily involved me in a tight hug." We were worried to death these four days!!!"
" I am so sorry girls!!! I am going to explain everything to you!!" I said and hugged them again.
"The important thing is that you are here though!!"
"Whats wrong?!?!" Emily asked and they both entered the living room where Renata was lying on the couch in a peacefull sleep.
"Is she ok???" Lana asked.
"Yeah... I think so...However,the weirdest thing has to do with Jai and Luke.." I said.
"Why am I not surprised at all??" Emily sighed and took a sit next to Renata,patting her hair tenderly.
"So..." I started telling them what happened while I was missing and then proceeded to the discription of what happened today.
During my storytelling they were looking at me as if I had escaped from the lunatic asylum! I dont blame them however,because at the end of the day who would deal with such news without considering them at least..pecculiar??
"Is it over??This joke finally over??" Lana asked being furious.
"It is not a joke!" I said and titled my head down. If they dont believe me that means that I will have to deal with this situation all by myself something that I dont knew if I am capable of!!
"Have I ever lied to you before?? Have I ever been irrutional?? I dont think so!!I need you to believe me.." I pleaded tears streaming from my eyes...I wouldnt believe what I am saying either but I have to find a way to make them believe.
They looked at me for a second and then they both stood up.
"Call us when you have a reasonable excuse about you going missing!! We where worried to death and did everything to find you! What will you tell your mother when she comes back??! That Jai is some kind of devilish wizzard?? I dont care if you are on drugs or something like that, we will be by your side....However, I just cant put up with liars and u know it very well!" Lana said and both she and Emily stormed out of the house.
That was it I fell on the floor crying like there is no tommorrow. My break out is not the result of what happened today,but built up anger,anxiety and exaustion.
Jai was a guy that I like ,a guy that makes me feel utterly alive even if he treats me really badly most of the times. AND IT SEEMS THAT I LOST HIM.
My best friends are like the most important thing I have in the whole world and I would do no matter what for them...
I crawled towards Renata and tried to poke her to wake up but she didnt respond.. oh great,as if I didnt have enough problems already...
"Luke please come here!" I said the moment Luke picked his phone up.
"I cant at the moment I am really busy...whats the matter?" He replied.
"Well...Its Renata..she wont wake up...Nomatter what I do she wont wake up from whatever Jai did to her!!"
There was a pause.
"Look I really cant help you right now...I am going to tell Jai to come to your place to fix the mess he created!!" Luke said.
"No no no dont send him!" I said trying not to start crying again.
"Dont u worry he is not going to hurt you...He is not that mean trust me! Besides I wont let him hurt you,ok?" Luke said kindly.
"Thank you...For everything..." I mummbled.
"It is my pleasure!" He said and ended the phone call.
A few moments later Jai kicked the door open.
"Because knocking on the door is too mainstreem for you??!" I grawled and led him to the couch where Renata was.
"You are making a deal out of nothing..When Luke told me that I should attend you about something urgent, I didnt expect it to be something as unimportant as that....Such a waste of time..." Jai said and approached my friend.
With one smooth movement of his hand I saw a discrete black fog lifting from Renata's body.
"She will wake up in a while!" He said and headed to the door.
"Wait!" The word escaped my mouth without me thinking twice about it. Jai turned his head to face me an element of curiosity colouring his face's features.
"Thanks for waking her up!"
"The least I could do.." he said and smiled.
There is something about him that truly fascinates me.He wircks of danger and very poor social manners but at the same time he somehow manages to make these two characteristics the most attractive in the world....I hate him for that!
"Would you like to drink something??" I asked him politely.
"Dont you hate me now??" He said and raised his left eyebrow teasingly.
"Oh no I definetely loathe you but I decided to be the one thing that you seem to be unable to even try to be: nice!"
I told him and avoided looking at him.
"And dont you dare to pull any magical tricks on me!!" I stated. To be honest I have questioned a lot of time the purity of my feelings towars Jai and whether they are inflicted solely by his powers,but they seem too real to be fake.
"Being nice is overrated!" He said and took the glass of chocolate milk that I offered him.
"Now this is a hardcore drink!!" He joked.
"Take or leave it!" I shot back.
"It will do for now!" He said ans led the glass to his mouth.He must be utterly clumsy because during this so simple process,the glass escaped his hand and landed on the floor.
Since I am one of the unluckiest people in the world,my shirt was now full of the fucking chocolate milk!!!
"Way to go asshole!!" I squeeled impulsively since Jai just fucked one of my favorite t-shirts up.
"I will help you clean it!" He stated and headed to my room.
"How do you know where my room is??" I asked him.
"Oh sorry I forgot about that for a moment....Now that we are on it though, does the fact that you posess all these dark powers mean that you are capable of doing only bad things???" I asked craving for some insights on Jai's twisted personality.
" I could...And thats what I did when I first obtained my powers...but then I realised that if you want to be bad,be bad for a reason.... If I think its required then I will enforce all my evilness....So dont get in the way of me getting what I want..."he whispered seductively and opened my door.
I entered and went straight in my closet from where I picked a really cute red tight top with a really scandalizing clivege...
"I am waiting....Get out!!" I said and pushed him.
"Well there is nothing here that I havent seen,touched,licked..." he said and with every seductive word he took one step closer to me...
I would be a liar if I said that I wasnt outragesly turned on by what he said....I thought of resisting but that seemed impossible...
I started getting my top off slowly and in the most turning on way possible.... Jai's eyes were in a fight,since he seemed unable whether to focus on my breasts,on my thighs,on my ass or on my core....
Before I carried on getting this godamn top off Jai "attacked" me throwing me on the bed ,with him on top,lust clouding not only his eyes but my thoughts as well.....
Dan dan daaan another chapter came to an end....How did you find it? Do you think that Ruby handled the situation well? Do you agree with her friends' behavior and what do you think shall happen between them?
ALSO I have a surprise for you:

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