Chapter 16~ Memories

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CRAP!!! I forgot to buy my boss the super caramel creamy coffe that he demands to be served to him every morning at 06:00 am!!! Thats right, not only do I have to wake up at 05:30 every damn morning but I have to run around looking for that one beverage that will make him a little less grumpy!! But what can you do, this is New York and this is how you can hope to stand out! Doing errands for random hysterical gay middle-aged men might not be the most pleasant thing ever but ....
One month after my mom's death Luke helped do what I trully needed...Get away,have a fresh start...Somehow he persuaded Jai to pull some strings,using his magical powers, and got my dad to find out the tragedy that occured in the family he left behind..CRAZY, RIGHT?!? The wildest part is that my dad was more than willing to get me a place to crush with all the expenses ,like electricity and water, paid as well as a job in one of his businesses... Thats right my dad happens to be riiiich...And the worst part is that he seems extremely nice and he has busted his ass off in order to come closer to me... There is nothing that allows me to hate him , something every daughter would do after meeting a father who has never been around in her life...
He claims that he had never been told that my mom was expecting and that if he did he would have stayed... I dont know what to believe and I just try to get along with him as long as he keeps helping me cope here... Sounds mean I know but I have changed a lot lately and this manipulative bitchy and sassy version of me seems to be the new Ruby...
" You were extremely late!" The boss said.
"Oh I am sorry ....I ...I couldnt find your coffe in time..." I said deciding not to fight him today like every other time he said something stupid.
"Whatever.... I dont care! Just so you know your inability to complete a task as simple as bringing me my coffe would be a very good reason for you to get fired! You are lucky that you have your dad here or else..." he said in his usual bitchy tone.
The old me would have let this comment slide and carry on with her life, but at the moment I am so fed up by the fact that he is constantly rude towards me.
"You are right...I just dont do my job well...Because instead of coffe I should have brought you a new vibrator because your current one seems to be broken!!"
I said and left, confidence building up inside me.
A few hours later, after trying to persuade a Chinese mutlimilionere to buy one abandonded field outside of New York so that he could transform it into a mall or something ( part of my training on becoming an expert in Media and Advertising), the secretairy asked me to go to the meeting hall where someone was waiting for me.
"Who is it?" I asked her before doing what she told me to.
" An old friend thats all I know..."
Could it be Jai??!
Was the first thought that hit my mind.
This impulsive reaction should have been accompanied by hatred and disgust towards that bastard named Jai, but instead I feel the urge to meet him.
He is one of the few people that has managed to make me feel alive and vibrant with just one plain look...
I have missed feeling this way... Its not that I am having a bad time here, actually the opposite.Almost every night I am out partying with some friends I have made here and I have hooked up with some cute guys( some of them Abercrobie amd Fitch models), but none of them has managed to make me feel the way Jai did..
And with that abrupt reality check I opened the door of the meeting hall, niw being face to face with a person I thought and hoped that I would never see again.
The most shocking part was not her arrival but the way she looked. Her hair were unattended and slightly oily, her skin was extremely pale and some plump coloured purple circles were decorating her face.
She was extremely skinny and here hands were full of bruises.
" If I told you that you like fine would u understand that I am lying?!" I said emotionlessly. I know she is my cousin and that deep down I love her, but she has done some pretty nasty things to me. And it seems that the only reason she ever cared to find where I was, has to do with me helping her solve her problems.
"Very funny... I know you dont like me,and to be honest I quite understand why... However, you need to listen to me and pay attention to what I am about to say... I promise that you will hear nothing but the truth from me!!"
" You say so but I am having a hard time trusting you!!"
"Well lying to you will not help me at all at the moment..So I am going to be 100% honest... I know its tough for you to remember all these harsh details, but can you please tell me who killed your mom?" She asked. I hope her whole visit has a point , because reminding me of my mom passing away is a very good reason for me to smash her head.
" Obviously Jai...But the police never found out solid information that could lead to any assumptions regarding the one to blame..." I said.
"Jai didnt admitt it hiself,right? Ι am pretty sure he denied it.."
"Yeah he did, but its obvious that Jai did it...Whoelse could have done something like that!!???" I asked suspiciously this time. Maybe Joyce knows something that I dont and is planning on sparing me some information... I am sure she will demand something in return though...
"I can guarantee that Jai is not the one who did it... It was me.. I set the building on fire...." she said and patted her oily hair.
I opened my eyes widely letting all information in, while bitting my lip. I know that I shouldnt believe a word my cousin says but there is something in her words that convinced me to trust her.
"You have for somehow Jai's powers! I woulnt believe you under other circumstances but know I feel the urge to do so... Why??!" I barked.
"Smart girl....Well, I indeed got some of his powers and it has wrecked me so far... I am using these powers to make you believe something that,at the end of the day, is against me not the other way around!!!As you can see I am Telling you the truth will set me free of this torture... " she sad calmer than ever..
"Why would you do that?!?!"" I said tears ready to appear. I am not talking about sadness's tears but about rage.... I feel the urge to rip her head off of her shoulders and thats what I seem to get down to. I run towards her and the minute I am about to choke the shit out of that bitch,she vanishes in some sort of black fog, reassuring me that she has Jai's dark magic.
According to the plan, Joyce will meet me in the parking lot of the company where Rubs works....
"Hello Coworker..." Joyce said after she appeared in front of me. "My job here is done!! May you release me from my current torturous situation??!"
"Done!" I said and kissed her passionantly like we used to..This how it all started and this is how it will end...
"Will you do the same thing to Ruby as well??" She asked as I saw her beauty being restored... No more bruises,crappy hair and
"Do you care?!" I asked.
"No, not really... Now loverboy go upstairs and get with your precious princess...."
"Will do... Will do..."
With that our paths parted and to be honest I am more than thrilled that I will never see that bitch again...
Dan dan daaaan!!
How you like that?! Sorry for not updating sooner but exams here in Greecw last for one fucking month and its quite tough for me to cope with everything...
Did you suspect that Jai was actually innocent and the one to blame was Joyce?
And how did she get Jai's powers? What past do they share? Finally, what will Jai do to Ryby?
Vote,comment and share!

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