Chapter 1~ always listen to mommy

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Soooo before I start with the very first chapter of my very first fanfic I would like to thank you in advance for even bothering to read my fanfic!
Ps: 1)sorry for spelling mistakes and probable lack of prestigious language where needed
2) love u

Ruby's POV:
I was roaming around the hallways of this little hell called high school fully exploitating the fact that Mrs Bens ,our maths teacher AKA satans representator on earth,finally gave in and allowed me to go the rest room!She is not quite used to such acts of kindness,so u can imagine what a bitch she is,especially to students like me who can barely add 5 to 6 and have the correct answer,which!! Ι got it,eventually! The eternal cursing of Mrs Bens got interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket.
I was pretty sure it was my bestie Emily warning me that I should GET MY LAZY ASS BACK IN CLASS!(wow that rhymed),but I was quite surprised to see that I actually recieved a text from mom?!? She never texts/calls when I am at school so I hope nothing bad has happened! The text read:
"unfortunatelly I will skip lunch since todays trial seems to be a long one! Eat something light because I am going to take u to your favorite restaurant when I come home! YOLO!"
I laughed at my mother's failed attempt to use any kind of teenage slang expression,which is something she has been trying to do for a long time in order to make herself cool ,as she sais!Well,my mom doesnt not need to speak like a 17teen yearold to be cool ,since she already is! Aged 34(yes I am the "product" of a teenage pregnancy ,which is probably why I have never seen my dad!),she is a succesful lawyer who has totally succeded in being a single and young mother!She goes out often,puts up.with my teenage tantrums patiently,and is pretty linient as far as letting me be out till late,having a boyrfriend etc are concerned which TOTALLY VALIDATES ME!
"COME BACK IN CLASS IMMEDIATLY SLUT!" here comes the text that I expected from my dear friend Emily! With her and our other besties we always use such 'flattering adjectives' when reffering to each other which is totally acceptable and even obligatory!
<< Hey Mrs Bens I am sorry for being late,can I come in??>> I asked politely after knocking

Woow look who honored us with her presence! I know you are slow but I didnt think that applied to your trips to the bathroom as well!> she responded bitterly causing the whole class to burst out in laughter.

Uuuh ok??so can come in?!>> I asked sligtly annoyed
<< Not with attitude! Why dont you skip todays class... I dont see how this lesson would benefit you anyway!!>> again my classmates laughed given the opportynity to indirectly mock someone!!

"alrighty then!!"
I said and I stormed out of the class not even bothering to close the door!what an evil bitch!! How dear she insult me this way amd then expect me to respect her?!!,Man that woman pisses me off! I was so busy cursing Mrs Bens that I didnt notice that someome was coming my way ,so I bumped on him!
<< heey there!someone is a bit pissed??>> jai said cheeckily probably after reading my facial expression! Jai Brooks happens to be one of the HOTTEST gyus I have ever had the luck to see!He has rich brown curly hair which are most of the times sloppy but always so damn good looking,his eyes are also dark brown and he has those lips...To make matters worse-actually better-he exercises A LOT (unlike me) and as a result he is pretty pumped (abs,killer collar bone,wide shoulders all included)! He is almost always dressed in black with his leather jacket always on! I think that it has become a part of his own skin now! Unfortunatelly I havent had the chance to get to know him better because he is permanently surroynded by a lot is people,mostly girls,since he is one of the most popular guys at our school! I know,however that he has a great sense of humour,he is GREAT with the ladies(appart from the looks he has that personality that just draws you to him),his relationships last a week MAXIMUM and he is such a tease( in a the best way! Oh, and he is reraly actually in a any of his classes!)that is what happems when u spend more than thirty seconds around Mrs Bens!>> I complain and sign
<< I see...She had a bitch attack again didnt she?! I better not even try to get in the class...>>
I laughed and then said as seductively as I could:

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