chapet 8~ Dark and Pure Magic

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"Why are you shouting??" Jai repeated more angrily this time.

" None of your business!" Luke answered back abruptly and stood up taking the photos roughly of my hands causing a cut on my hand.

" Carefull bro! You just hurt our guest! Well it is not the first time! Now that I think about it though the previous times where emotionally hurtful for her..." Jai smirked and winked.

" What was that again Jai? Enough with the bullshit ok!!?!" I shouted and pushed him back slightly.

Jai didnt react negatively and kept smiling like the ass he is.

"I reckon that it is high time we revealed certain truths huh?!" Jai hissed and approached his brother.

"Jai fuck off ok??! Get a life and let me be!!!" Luke reacted and tore the photos up.

"Aaa.. someone should watch their mouth!!" Jai said cheekily.

" You know what Jai??! I am so sick of you ok?? I now get why you came back here you bastard! You are trying to find anything that means something to me, so that you can destroy that as well!?? Well you know what??! Enough is enough with your attitude! It is not my fault and you know that very well! You could channel your anger management problems into something more productive and useful for not only you but for everyone else also!!" Luke was so mad that his face was flashing like there is no tomorrow!!

"I dont care...It wasnt your fault at first I admitt it ....but your choice that came after was definitely your motherfucking choice!" Jai and Luke where really close to each other and it was pretty obvious that a fight is approaching...

"What should I have done??!?" Let you drop dead?!? Would that be better oo wise Jai??!" Luke sassed back. I was really confused at that moment! I mean into what kind of shit are they?? How could Luke possibly prevent his brother from dying and why is Jai hostile towards him for that??!

"sorry guys ,heey! I am sorry for interrupting and I truly dont want to be nosy but could you please explain to me why there are pictures of me with you Luke and deal with your familly problems later?! You know when I leave for example..." I semi-shouted showing how angry they have made me feel.!

" I am so soorry Ruby I didnt want you to feel left out!! After all you are the reason that caused this conversation!" Jai said remaining angry! "Feel free to feel guilty!!" he then whispered in my ear!

"SOO..In this pic you see you and Luke kissing in a party you remember being but not with Luke...In this one you and him are cuddling on this very sofa..And on this one you are pictured again as a happy happy couple!How is that even possible you are probably asking yourself in a high-pitched voice!!" It really gets on my nerves that Jai is always fooling around even when the situation requires a more mature approach! "Well, for your information you were a couple approximately one year ago and even I would admitt that you were really cute together! " Jai rushed to explain!

"Are you freaking serious?!!? How can that even be possible when I have no memory of being with your brother...To make matters even worse none of my friends recalls any kind of connection between me and Luke! I met you two after the dinner with your momso please come up with a more persuasive excuse!" To be honest I am teriffied to the core..It seems h to me that maybe Luke and Jai are some kind of crazy stalkers that have been taking pics of me all that tima so that they can create new ones ...I wont be surprised if I find myself starring in porns soon!

"Dont pay attention to what he is saying! It is one of his horrific jokes that he and only he finds funny!" Luke said and smiled viciously.

" You thought that I wasnt prepared that you would be hesitant to believe me??" Jai said calmy and took a step closer to me.

"Get away from me !!" I demanded and tried to keep my distance from him.

"DONT FIGHT ME!" he commanded and for some reason I obeyed to his orders without any protest!

Every cell of my body wants to resist his "compulsion" but I find myself incapable of doing so! What has he done, I feel as if he has hypnotized me!

" Jai dont you dare pull that trick on her!" Luke shouted and jumped toward his brother taking him down with him! He started punching him agressively till his nose was bleeding!

"Dont push me Luke you know that I am going to hurt you really bad if I want to!" Jai said and managed to flip them around so that he was now on top! His eyes were read as blood and his brown eyes were now repleced by plain dark ones! He punched Luke so hard that his neck almost snapped and I reckon I heard his nose being broken!

I snapped out of me being hypnotized and I "dived" between the two boys trying to stop them from fighting!

"Stay out of this! " Jai barked and pushed me towards the wall which was like 6 feet away,with inhuman strength once again! Unbearable pain stroke the area between my neck and the end of my spine , I screamed and started coughing uncontrolably due to the pain combined with my inability to inhale!!

" what did you just do you asshole!!" Luke yelled and used all his strenght to push his brother off of him and then reached me ...

"Is she okay??" Jai said and I think I spotted a tone of concern in his voice.

" Fuck off! " Luke hissed and cupped my chick on his hand.

Jai threw a vase at Luke who was lucky enough to avoid it! Luke got again in a brutal fight with Jai!

I managed to stand on my elbows and to started to crawl behind the kitchen's counter in order to avoid getting hit by other flying objects! On the stove there is till lying the frying pan that I used in order to make breakfast earlier! I succefully grabed it and stood on my feet after a lot of effort and pain.

I approached the fighting mess , without being noticed since they were too caried away to notice me coming near them anyway..Luke spotted me and he must have understood my intentions....He managed to get Jai in the suitable position so that I could bang his head with the pan! At the same time Luke punched him and Jai fell unconcious on the floor!!!

"Great Job! " Luke said and grabbed me before I too fell on the ground! I have not fainted but I feel too weak to do anything but let Luke carry me to wherever he intented.. He put me as gently as possible in the USV that safely brought me back home from the desert the other day!

"Where are we going!?!" I asked nervously! As I am still afraid of Luke!

"Away from Jai for a while..Till his anger wears off..I promise you are going to be safe,I am not going to hurt you ..I am not like that.." There is something in his tone that made me trust him..He seems genuine and kind and he is definitely not as cunning as Jai so the least I can do now is try to worry the least possible...

" Will you please explain me what the fuck is going on..You know with the phots and stuff.." I ask weakily..

"Unfortunately I cant..It is trully complicated! Even though I dont want to I have to admitt it only Jai could explain you effectively whats going on..." he said.

"Why dont you try???Use your own words for crying out loud!!" I said desperately.

"Dark and Pure Magic! Do you feel more enlighted now??" Luke responded.Even though my ribs were in such pain I bursted into laughter..

"You are both nuts!.." I stated and wondered out of the window..

"Dont believe me I dont blame you...Go back to sleep ,you need it...See you in Texas!"

I was too exausted to procces what Luke said..All I knew what that I needed to sleep, to escape from the weird reality I was in...

And thats a wrap you all! Sorry for not updating for such a long time but my computer broke down and ..yeah..

SOOO tell id you liked it,what your suspicions are.. Do you think Ruby should trust Luke? What is truly going on ????

SEE you later loves! <3 < 3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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