Chapter 9~ isnt that hilarious or what?

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"Wake up you sleepy head!" I heard Luke's voice disturb my rather peaceful sleep. Frankly I was happy that I finally woke up after all the nightmares that I experienced in just one night,that all included Jai (why am I not surprised?).
He was constantly trying to persuade me to pay attention to what he was about to say.Even though I really wanted to find out what was so important for him something pulled me back and the dream ended. Then after a while this dream was repeated. In one of his visits he managed to start talking to me about the dawn of humanity and the need for protection which was soon tranformed into the need for purity and evil to be balanced! Shortly after he started his story I was pulled back again by something like an exterieur force and the dream ended.
I am not going to hide I have freaked out with the hole Brooks situation.
"Finally you are awake!"Luke said happily.
"Yeah I am...I dont want to be all grumpy and annoying but where are we? Please be honest!" I pleaded a little bit more desperate than I intended. I dont want to seem weak but the lingering pain on my back and my inability to locate myself dont make me feel particularly confident!
"You are in a motel in Texas!"he stated calmly.
I instictivelly pulled away from him after finding out that I was miles away from my family and friends and anyone who could actually help me,stranded with a stranger who could easily be a threat towards me.
"I told you where we were heading yesterday in the car but you must have been too tired to register that. Now lets go get some breakfast and I will answer to as many of questions as  I can.." he said and stood up.
I headed to the bathroom and tried to make myself presentable even though I had almost no make up at my disposal.
I got out of the bathroom and hesitantly followed Luke to his car. After a few minutes we arrived at a small country restaurant where we would be having our meal.
"I want your breakfast variety.A little bit of everything.For two!" Luke told the waitress the moment she came to collect our order.
"WOW someone is being generous!" I said and smiled.
"Its the least that I can do..." he said and adopted a sad expression.
"Soo my fist question is: why me?
And why now? I mean out of a sudden Jai noticed me and then you came along presenting yourself as my ex even though something like that never happened!" I said.
" Well you have known us for a looong time but for some reasons we had to...erase every memory you had with us!" Luke responded.
I started laughing really intensily shocking Luke and kept laughing hysterically even when our order arrived and was placed on our table.
"Ok whats so funny??" Luke asked with an awkward simle plastered on his face.
"Well.. you erased my memories...YOU erased my memories?" I said still laughing every now and then.
"Yeah this is what I am saying! I know it sounds bizzare and not believable but this is it!" He shot back.
"And how did u do that???! Oh oh let me guess: Dark and um pure  magic??" I said and moved my hands as if I was perdorming some magic tricks.
" yes! I know you dont believe me ,nor would I but trust me I am telling you the truth! And you know when you will believe me?"
"When Luke,when?"
"The moment we get Jai to show you!"
"Are you kidding me? We were with Jai yesterday and from what I remember he was about to reveal some truths,as he said. If he was about to make me believe all this crap about magic why did you take me away from him?" I got so mad that I almost  dropped my coffe cup on the floor.
" He was about to mislead you..He does that all the time..And I didnt want to let that happen .... He would only give you false information and would mess everything!" Luke responded and took a sip from his coffe.
"And how will that change? How and when will he be nice enough to enlighten me without giving me false information????"
"When his anger wears off ...and when he compromises to not be a piece of shit for once!"
"And how will you know that he is ready to do so??"
" I will know just as I knew that he was lying.." he said.
"And now that we are on it.. how come Jai is able to make me believe,fool me and mislead him and u cant??"
Luke takes some time to answer..
"Because in our case he won...Evil won.."
"Jai is the evil? Why doesnt that surprise me??" I said and we both laughed.
"Yeah nobody is actually surprised when they found that out..."
" so since jai is the bad one this means that u are the pure one?" I asked a bit mockingly.
He nodded and I trued not to start laughing again.
I mean my life is on the hands of two guys who claim to posess magic,isnt that hilarious or what?
"Ok ok..lets forget about will find out what you want tommorow and then they will not sound as ridiculous as they sound now .." I agreed to stop talking as long as he promised that tommorrow I would know everything...
Luke and I started talking about random stuff and at the end of the day I realised that we have a lot of things in common...I would really like for us to become friends if he doesnt prove to be a psyco.... I am not attracted to him the same way Jai makes me beg for his touch..I dont know but even though Jai is a mess he is a the hottest mess....
Dats the end,folks!! Did u like it? What do u think is going on and do u think that what Luke sais is just nonsense?
Sorry if that chapter was kind of a filler one but I promise the next ine will be full of plot twist!

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