chaptel 11~ Impossible is often possible.

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"So explain,already!!" I barked.
"Not with her around!" Jai said and pointed at Renata.
"Well after all the things that have occured with you two these days  I am obligated me to have atleast one of my friends around.!!" I stated implying to what happen four days ago.
" so be it!" When Jai said that he came really close to Renata and put his arms on her waist. To be honest, even though it sounds completely irrushional, I felt a pinch of jealousy clouding my thoughts.
"Go to sleep!" Jai whispered and immidietly Renata dropped on the floor.
"What did u do,u asshole?!?!?" I growled, my anger obvious to anyone with a brain.
"U said that u wanted her to be around ,you didnt clarify the state in which she shall be!" Jai said his common  slapable grin plastered on his face.
"Luke do something about it!!" I pleaded satan's twin brother. During the three days that we spent together I realised how different these two are.Luke might seem creepy and weird due to his actions,but he is a kind and honest guy.He would never do the things Jai does and he has expressed how much he hates what his brother always does.So is he not preventing him from sort of hypnotizing my best friend??!?

"Ι hate admitting it, but for onve in his lifetime , he acted logically!" Luke said and kneeled next to Renata,picking her up and then relocating her on the  nearest couch.

"LOGICALLY?? How in the name of the fuck is that considered logical thinking?! And appart from that, how did u do that??" I demanded to know.

"Well... Sit down next to your friend,shud up and let me explain.." Jai said with his usual kindness." Actually I will show you to be honest!"  he  said and sat next to me.He placed his hands on my temples and suddenly I felt really dizzy and my vision became blurry.After a little while my visual mess,was replaced by some sort of presentation in my head. The one speaking was Jai and here is what he said:

From  the biginning of the human race, the two characteristics that divide people into categories where almost immidietly revealed. I am talking about the GOOD and the EVIL of course.The second one is more easily dawning people,while the good ones are manipulated,treated badly and tortured  till they either become mean as well or till they are destroyed. The same power that created our world on the first place decided that it was high time that this situation should be changed.He decided that there should be someone that could change that.There was created a man,named Jake, who was given an amazing amount of power so that he could help people be relieved from the responsibility of chosing between good and the evil and to also help them deal with the outcome of their bad actions. At the biginning,this system was very efficient and almost everyone was happy,till this powerful man was very influenced by all the evil there was so that he used all his strength for mean causes. He positioned himself against the power that initially created the earth, the ORIGINAL POWER,and he eventually won.From then on he lived and caused so much harm that whatever was left from the Original Power managed to modify somehow Jake's dictatory. Jake would die,instead of being immortal,but since the Original Power was very weak,after Jake's death there would be another person who would inherit Jake's powers. And when this person died there would be another person to gain that power.This situation carried on for a long time and again the Original Power had to intervene with even less power. Instead of there being one person to inherit the power there would be two each time. A pair of twins would share that power.However only one of them would be pure and the other one would necessairily be the mean one. This way the power would be neutralized and then the world would return to its original state before the Original Power had taken action against it. Once again things went wrong and and there couldnt be two sharing the power. Then there would still be the "chosen twins" but there would be  only one of them with powers.When the twins became 16 years old they had to take a very severe decision. Either the Pure one would survive WITH his powers which meant that the evil one would die,or the mean one would take his brother's powers without him dropping dead. This system is the only one that is still working till today.Most of  the time Evil would win,but there were times that the pure one took over.I bet that you have already understood that I am talking about Luke's and mine situation...And also I bet that u can guess which one is the mean one...Luke is left with almost no powers since he refused to have me dead and then be powerful.

Long story short...There is magic and its pretty powerful..."

The presentation was over and after the previous blurr wore off, I was facing Jai in awe. How can something like that be a real thing??! Magic and powers are somethings that occupy movies,books and gaming NOT something that rules and changes the world! On the other hand, magic can explain certain things that have happened since I  met Jai, like when I couldnt remember what hap pened between us,when I could find his place without having been there on the first place or the fact that he just put Renata to sleep without putting the least bit effort ....This also explains the fact that I can never resist Jai even if his behavior is the worst there could be...

"That cant be..." I mumble my face wearing an expression of shock!

"Watch me!" Jai said and then with a simple movement of his wrist he shot a black flame towards the fireplace,lighting a perfect black fire.

"I could have lightened  a red fire,but black is more impressive dont u think??" Jai said sassily.

"But...but..but its.." 

"I know Ruby, you think this is impossible !! It isnt ...Sometimes the most impossible is very often possible!! " Jai interrupted me and put his hand on my cheek. His touch caused me the usual feeling of euphoria,which I am not sure if it derived from his impulsive powers or  not... I stood up abruptly and pushed him away!

"NO...I dont care if the way u make me feel is caused by your powers,but we are not going to happen ever again...You have magic powers that only serve dark magic! You are dangerous,and not in the sexy intriguing way but in the way that puts my life in danger...The real shit!" I said fear building up inside me since  I am really afraid that Jai will be extremely furious by my rejection towards him.

"You know you cant quit me.. I admitt that sometimes I have used my powers on you,but most of  them  were used only to help you do what you desired to do deep down...." Jai said.

" I can try..." I said and took Renata on my hands supporting her weight on my left side.I headed to the door and managed to succedfully exit the house without Jai following me nor preventing me from leaving.. 

I cant describe whats going on in my head but its definitely not pleasant...


I cant believe it!! Jai kicked me out of the house while "explaining" the situation to Ruby avoiding to explain all the important parts that she really needed to learn...Now Ruby will always hate me,something that really breaks  my heart..Even if I have moved on I cant denie that she will always own  a special place in my heart...

THAT PRICK...However, I know a person who can help me deal with him.. Joyce will definitely offer some help...

End of chapter!! SOOOOOO big big reveals..What do u think of the origin story,did u expect it??What should Ruby do from now on and what will happen with Luke teaming with Joyce?? Whats the deal behind Luke being with Ruby??


Love you

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