Chapter 7~ I cant explain

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Jai pulled me violently in the house ,kicking the door closed and pushed me on the wall while he stuck his body on mine. My hands started roaming all over his wide back and shoulders and I pushed my hips towards his,pressing my lower parts on his intensively.A moan escaped both our lips,causing us to smile before starting kissing once again.

Our pleasant "situation" was relocated to Jai's room, a quite large room with grey walls and a plain desk facing the selves next to the bed where we were currently making out,wearing less and less clothes as time progressed.

"oh god you are a major turn on!!!" he whispered seductivily in my ear causing me to shiver in his arms.

"right back at you!!" I replied with the same tone and I gashped when Jai snaked his arms on my.... -we all know what-

"Jaii..." I started moaning louder and louder as his fingers explored the inner parts of my..

"JAI ARE YOU HOMME??" I heard a voice whose owner was no other but Luke.

Jai immedietly pulled back from me, zipping his pants and fixing his hair.I too rush to make it the least obvious that we were about to ..well fuck!!

"Am I interrupting anything??" he said when he approached the entrance of the room not having to deal with a closed door since we didnt bother to close it as we got in the room. Even though I dont know Luke at all I could teel that his eyes were full of frustration!

"NO!" Jai roared and he pushed Luke out of the room aggressively.Luke got out of the room without protesting and I glared at Jai while crossing my arms on my chest.

"what??" he asked as if he had done nothing wrong..

"why did you do that??" I insisted.

"he did interrupt us! also it is my house not his!!" he said and came closer to me his hand touching my ass.

"This is your house?!!? You live on your own?" I asked quite surprised that a 18year old could afford having a house as luxurious as this one.//

" I do..Is that so important for you?? Are you one of those girls that only care about money,huh??" he asked teasingly and kept kissing my neck undistracted as if he wasn talking at all!!!

" yeah that I know you are loaded with cash I can exploitate you to the core!!!" I giggled and tried not to react to the pleasure his was giving me!!

"doesnt your mom and Luke live with you!??" I asked out of curiosity.

"none of your bussines!!" he said and pushed me on the bed. I didnt protest at all and I flipped us around so that I was now on top of Jai trailing his neck with kisses.

~~~~ Some Hours Later~~~~~

I woke up in an empty bed with no sign of Jai around. I semi stood up,supporting my weight on my elbows promping my head so that I could see whether Jai was in the bathroom.No... the door was wide open and Jai wasnt in it! I checked my clothing at the moment and was not at all surprised that I was naked, wearing absolutely nothing... I couldnt locate my clothes which were possibly lying all around the room after yesterday's events!! I spoted one of Jai's t-shirts on the floor near my bed and stretched my hand so that I could reach it.Fortunately underneath it there were my panties so I wore both of them and looked mysheld in the mirror! WEll... it was not my best look but I looked decent and it was obvious that last night I got some...SOME GOOD STUFF TO BE HONEST!!

"Jai??" I scream hoping that I would hear his voice responding to my questions.

NO reply. "Luke????" I ask once again. Noone again. I sneaked out of the room and headed to where I reckoned that the kitchen was. Luckily I found it without much effort. I looked around for something that would fullfil my cravings and I found some bacon and eggs that would be just fine!!

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