Chapter 10~ Not happy to see me?

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Renata's POV:
Enough is enough with this bullshit!Ruby told us that she would spent a night with Jai at his place,but she ended up giving no signs of life for more than four days and thats  so not her!! I dont know what these pricks are up to but since it is involving my  best friends,they are not going to get away with it very easily! I dont want to brag about it ,but I can handle these twats all by myself! See when you are often living on the edge,u got to be prepared for the worst!
I asked a few people from school and fortunately one of the school's whores,who had obviously paid Jai a visit in the past, was kind enough to let me know where the playboy lives!
I approached the door with abrupt and quick steps and aggressively knocked on the door.
"ALRIGHT, alright!!!! Unless you are going to pay for it,dont wreck my do... Woah what does the pretty lady want??" He said, a grin forming on his face.Normally I would have been intrigued by his charm but now all I want to do is make sure that my friend is ok!
"Where is Ruby?" I asked right away.
"Interested in a threeway?" He asked and wiggled his eyebrows as he signaled me to enter his house.
"Yeah with a facepalm, a curse word and my middle finger in order to demonstrate how repulsive your suggestion was...But thanks you for your consideration!!" I replied and immitated Katniss's  witty feedback from the first Hunger Games movie.
"U have guts! I like that!"
"I dont give a fuck!"
"Oh please is that a way a lady talks? I dont think so..
Anyway...You asked where Ruby is...Well I have no freaking idea!" He said and took a sip from his drink.
"What do u mean? Wasnt she with you?"I asked worrudly.If Ruby is not with Jai then things are really out of hand. She could be anywhere!
"Yeah I was...We were together on the couch,on the kitchen counter,on the spot you are currently sitting.." I stood up immedietly even though I know he is probably kidding...But I am not risking it!!!
"Relax I am kidding...However, in the morning after the action I went out to take care of some things and when I came back I found Ruby and my brother quarreling about something really complicated-you wouldnt understand- and I ended up getting involved...Things got pretty ugly and long story short I passed out and when I fianlly woke up both Ruby and my brother were gone..." . Wow ... How twisted did things actually get,in order to make Luke escape WITH Ruby...Unless now Ruby is fooling around with Luke as well..Oooh I am so proud!
"And u cant call them or track them down?" I asked." Ruby told me that Luke found u in the desert where there was no signal or no other way to contact them...And I am not buying the lies u told to Ruby's mom!!"
" Well ...I could ... but things happened this morning and I kind of lost this ability!" He said and played with his hair awkwardly.
" are u kidding me??! What happened?? And to what ability are u refering??" He cant be serious.
" You and Ruby  share a very annoying characteristic: you want to know everything about everything!!!"
"Thats because we are not like the brainless,dull & border line idiotic minions u call your girlfriemds..." I shoot back sassily.
Before I could say anything there was a knock on the door! My eyes were full of hope,hope that my best friend is finally back!
For my surprise the one to storm in the room was the one and only bitchy,personality free and hatefull Joyce!
" WHAT THE FUCK ARE U DOING HERE?" Jai almost barked,indicating  how unplaisant Joyce's arrival is. Well that makes two of us...
"Not happy to see me?" Joyce asked cockily.
"No not really!" Jai said like he really meant it. I dont get it,once  they are all over each other and the next time they seem like they want to poke each other's eyes out...
"I am back for more!" Joyce anounced and let her bag drop on the floor.
"Woah! Before u get to it,let me get the hell outa here!" I said heading to the door.
"No stay!Joyce has already got enough! And I am not talking about sex....I am not desperate enough to do something like that!!" Jai growled.
"Oh you are...and u need me  ... U truly do!!" Joyce shoot back.
Next,without me realising it, a Joyce grabbed Jai from his temples and he immediatly dropped on the floor! Between Jai's fingers and his head there was some kind of blackness...Like a black fog or something....
I was looking at this sight on awe being unanle to say anything...
"Next time please be more discrete!" Jai mumbled through gritted teeth. He was lying on the floor, looking so weak that even I felt bad for him.
" I dont care...." Joyce said and left,banging the door so hardly that the door almost fell off!!
"What was that????" I asked showing how freaked out I was at the moment..
"We are  baaaaaack!!" I heard Ruby's voice when she also materialised in the room! I run towards her and hugged her as tight as I could! She also did the same as she muttered some apologies! For me it doesnt matter...The important thing is that she is ok....
Right behind her came a really cute guy who is for sure Jai's twin since they look really alike...However this guy has a slightly more oval face shape,curlier hair,a lip ring and really cute blue hilights on most of his frontal hair...Dont blame me for being observative....
"Ok.....whats going on? What did u do to her??" Ruby  said to Jai roughly
"Nothing!  For fuck's shake why am I Always blamed??!? I am in no position to hurt a fly at the moment!!!" Jai said weakly.
"Shit we have some explaining to do!!!" Luke said unwillingly and rubbed his arms!!
Soooo thats it guys!! Thank you so much for the support and for reading this fanfic,it means a lot to me!!
How did u find it?sorry for not giving the information already but I want to keep u on the edge...Guilty! Please vote and comment and please tell your friends to check Enchanted out if u liked it! ☺☺☺☺ ♡♡♡
Loads of love!!♡♡♡♡

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