I'm not weak!

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 My Dad and Mary had yet to return from the pack meeting, I tried to stay awake so I could bombard them with questions when they get back but evidently exhaustion won and I fell asleep half way through Frankenstein's bride. I woke to the sound of static from the T.V, my Xbox had been idle for too long and had switched itself off, switching the T.V off I head down to the kitchen, I need water, too much popcorn before sleep has left my throat dry and scratchy, as I opened the fridge I hear footsteps behind me, I turn expecting to see my Dad and instead I find Lola standing in front of the door flanked on either side by too big guys who I didn't recognise, I look at her in stunned silence as she smirks back at me,

"Lola what the fuck" I finally find my voice, "what are you doing here?", she doesn't respond straight away and the men on either side of her keeping throwing quick glances at her, she shrugs "I'm here to make you pay" she grins manically, the two guys make their way to me grabbing an arm each, "no need to be gentle now boys, I want her to suffer" Lola leads the way out the door and into the back yard (if you can call it that) and towards the tree line at the edge of the property, I struggle against them but to no avail, they are strong, I drop down to one knee and make them stumble, as they slow down to try and heave me up I bring myself up to both feet again kneeing the one on my right in the balls, I smile with glee, Lola turns around frustrated "pick her the fuck up, and stop dicking her about" she spins around and continues her quick stride towards the forest, they resort to lifting me slightly by the elbows, I try to trip one of them up and all that accomplishes is making them angry until the tallest of the two pulls a knife and holds it to my neck "walk" his raspy voice commands close to my face sending chills down my face, when we finally came to a stop we  were a good distance away from the house that I doubt we could be heard let alone seen, they push me to the ground as Lola circle's us.

This night had really taken a turn for the worse, "thanks boys" Lola purred as she came to stand in front of me "I promise I'll make her pay for what she's done" they look at each other and then me before shrugging and turning away, "what the fuck Lola" she ignores me and just chuckles to herself "what have I ever done to you" the disbelief colours my voice and she kneels in front of me grabbing a fistful of my hair and wrapping a hand around my throat "you took my future, you took Emmet" I can't help it I snort with laughter, it just makes her angry and she pushes me to the ground once more as she backs away slightly clearly angered by my outburst, "well what did I do to those two guys then?" I ask remembering how she promised them she'd make me pay "oh that well don't you remember Ava? how the night of my lake party, you were angry and changed, running into the forest you killed there youngest wolf, he didn't even provoke you" a single tear escaped her eye as she placed a hand on her chest like it really saddened her to talk about it, I gasp "what have you done?" I can't believe what I'm hearing this bitch just started a war with rogues and framed me for it, the crazy people in new York are less crazy then her right now, "firstly you know full well that you are full of shit" I spit as I sit up "and secondly I haven't taken anyone from anyone, you found your mate and it wasn't Emmet, that isn't my fault", she kicked me then right in the mouth, I felt my lip split the warmth of the blood trickle onto my chin and chest, "you will pay, you will pay" she kept repeating it to herself, I'm done, I cant handle anymore crazy right now "fuck this, and fuck you" I growl as I let the change take over, feeling my form shift, bones crack and move as my wolf is finally free, I stand in front of her then, lowering my wolfs head so I could look her in the eye, I see the shock on her face, before she regains her composure, I growl low at her, she takes a step back before letting the change take over her form also, I reach out on the pack link trying to feel for a familiar mind, there's either too many using the link right now or they are too far away for me to reach any one specific mind, I sigh inwardly, sending a message to anyone and everyone on the link that I was in trouble and Lola had truly gone and lost her mind as she stalked toward me low to the ground, I jumped out of her path as she dived toward me nipping at my hind leg, I know I'm not very strong but I had been working on my stamina so I took off sprinting up the side of the peak heading straight for the ledge that Emmet had shown me the first time we trained my wolf, Lola snapping at my heals the entire time, I get to the ledge and spin to face her once more taking note that her wolf is out of breath, I laugh inwardly, she dated the best trained wolf in the pack for three years and yet seemed like she had never done any real training, I let a howl escape me, hoping to draw the attention of any pack members our way. She lunges at me then, going straight for my throat with her bare teeth, I spin so that she ends up biting down on my shoulder, I growl in pain as she pulls away blood dripping from her snout, I slowly back up circling my way away from her and the ledge, she lunges again and this time I stand on hid legs stopping her in her tracks and snap out at the same way she had been doing to me, we scrap like this for a few moments, I got a few good bites in on the side of her face, she falls back down to all fours as I loom over her, growling low, she nips at my paw again, I let her get a hold of it as she thinks she has the upper hand I bring my head over her neck and bite down hard she whimpers and panic's giving up on her attack on me and trying with all her might to scramble away from me, I feel her finally stop struggling and I drop her, backing up a few paces as her wolf slowly changes back to human form, shit she's hurt bad, I didn't want to kill her just put her in her place, I crouch down and begin to change my form as I hear a howl to my left, spinning mid change I see a wolf coming straight towards me, glancing over his shoulder I see one of the guy's from earlier who had dragged me into the woods, double shit, I stop the change and let my wolf take form once more, fighting Lola was one thing but fighting two rogues who were clearly bigger and stronger than me was sure to end badly for me, as the wolf bares his teeth at me I dart towards Lola, in the hopes of luring them down the mountain, the other guy had changed forms now and his wolf was big, I mean huge! I was sure to die tonight.

I didn't last more than a few minutes against the smaller wolf, whimpering under his growling form, I was about ready to say goodbye to the world and to my life when the deepest of growl's I've ever heard echoed around us I winced, my wolf recognising it as Alpha Zane, another wolf howled in anguish next to him and my heart leapt at the familiar sound of my Dad's voice through the Pack link "Ava" he sounded panicked "I'm alive" I looked around just in time to see Alpha Zane pounce on the bigger wolf, I feel the wolf over me being pulled away, I try to stand and stumble back down, shit I think I've broken a leg, pain lances through my entire body as I collapse, I feel my form start to change back to human as my vision blurs, my vision clears for a few seconds before blurring again, I see Alpha Zane and Dad beat the rogues into submission in small snippets of fighting and glaring, then I see someone pull Lola of the ground "she's alive" they sound annoyed by it, then I feel strong arms lift me, and someone placing something soft and warm over me, "no I will take her" I recognise the voice and it's one that I love to hear, but now they sound frightened and I can't figure out who it belongs to or why they are so scared, I sleep glimpse's of trees then sun rising, before blackness consumes me entirely.

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